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Wrestlers do this all the time when they cut weight, and be advised this is a very dangerous thing to do in such a short amount of time but it can be done. While I was in high school I wrestled the 215 pound class and usually weighed around 220 on days that we didn't have to weigh in. Our guy at 189 lbs got injured, and I dropped all of the weight within 5 days. Now, DON'T go that hardcore because I paid for it by passing out and being just completely out of energy on the mat.

What you'll have to do is restrict your daily calorie intake to about 600 calories a day and do a ton of cardio. Running, jump rope, etc.. The weight will come off quick, but will come back on quick if you're not careful.

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Q: You weigh 229 and want to weigh 190 by October what exercise do you need to do and how long?
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