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I doubt it. Being late for your period is actually quite normal. Getting your period to soon is also quite normal. There has never been a single time in my entire life that I could pinpoint when I was going to get my period. I have even got my period twice in the same month. Now that's a bummer. Talk to a doctor and get regular exams so this way you & the doctor can figure out what your personal normal & abnormals are because every one is different. No two woman are alike.

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Q: You were 6 days late and you have just started your period can you be pregnant?
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Your period was 3 days late but you started your period are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.

If I had a light period for 3 days and normally they last 5 days followed with breast tenderness and I took a pregnancy test and it said negative but havent started my period am i pregnant?

Sounds to me like you are just having a period and are not pregnant.

Is it possible if you had unprotected sex three days before your period could you be pregnant you started your period though just wondering if possible since your period was so close when you had sex?

Anytime you have sex, period or no, you can get pregnant.

What does it mean if you just ended your period 4 days ago and now you started again?

You may be pregnant or have a hormonal imbalance

Are you pregnant if you started spotting two days after your period?

No, if you menstruated then you are not pregnant - it is possible to bleed when pregnant, but biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. Two days after menstruation spotting is normal, it's just the remaining blood leaving your body.

I am 3 days late on my period 5 tests came back neg Is it possible to get pregnant right before your period and now it is too soon to have a pos test?

You probably are not pregnant, if your period is late, it might just be how your body is reacting to something. no you will not have a period if you are pregnant. you should just wait and start counting the days from when you started and see if they are on time then.

If you have late period for three days and you spot dry discharge are you pregnant?

Probably not pregnant. You just had a short period, for whatever reason.

Can a woman gets pregnant after menstruation period?

Woman normally gets pregnant on the day 14, if the periods of 28 days duration. On the day 16, if the period are of 30 days duration. That is you get the period after 14 days of ovulation in normal course. That is rare to get pregnancy just after period. But it is possible to get pregnancy just after the period.

Can you be pregnant if you're period is 5 days delayed?

It depends on your cycle regularity. Are you frequently late? You could be pregnant. Go to the doctor and get an hcg titer. I was a little late for my cycle last month. I thought I was pregnant and it turned out to be just a chemical pregnancy - where your body just thinks you are pregnant and you are not. I even had a positive pregnancy test. My period started shortly after.

Your period was 1 day late and 3 days long when its usually 5 days are you pregnant?

An irregularity in your period does not mean you are pregnant. If you are getting your period at all then you are most likely not pregnant. It could be just a change in your diet or excess stress.

If you have just started your period can you still be pregnant?

Yes, you can. If you think you might be pregnant, go and get a test as soon as possible.

2 Weeks before your period started your breasts was swollen and tender When your period started they went back to normal you only had your period for 3 days when its normally 7 days?

If there is any chance that you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test, just to be on the safe side. However, it is probably just that you had a shorter period than normal, for no explained reason. If it happens again, go and see your doctor