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Q: You were on your way home from work one day and your 95' Lexus 300 overheated without showing any signs of it next thing you know im on the side of the road and your car is smoking really bad now your?
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Related questions

Can people can go day without smoking?

If they are addicted then it will be very hard, but if somone really wants to quit then it is up to them

How do you ask if someone likes you without showing you like them?

Show some signs that's really romantic

What is advantage of smoking?

to be honest really nothing

Is smoking glamorous?

No just really dirty ;)

What are the effects of smoking at an early age?

It really depends on what age you start smoking at. But from just smoking at the age of 10-11, you will be dead by 25.

How do you stop your parents from smoking without them noticing you?

You really can't stop them unless they want to stop. You could leave pictures and articles around the house about the dangers of smoking, but like any habit the person has to want to quit otherwise it won't work.

Will the rules for all Federal Bldg be changed from no smoking to smoking?

I really doubt that the federal buildings would go from no smoking to smoking, considering that smoking in public places and in businesses is being restricted more and more.

Why she not showing?

if you mean, why is she not showing up for a date, then its probably because she doesnt really like you.

Why no smoking?

smoking's not good for you, because, you can get lung cancer, and you might die. And it's really bad for your health.

Are legal smoking blends really helpful in quitting smoking?

Legal smoking blends may or may not be helpful for quitting smoking. The effect that they have depends greatly on the person and their readiness to quit.

How can smoking affect your friends?

smoking affects them because when you smoke, your lugs turn into gray or even black. If you aren't smoking, then your lugs are pink (normal). Also if you smoke too much, you can even die. also smoking makes your teeth really really dark yellow.

There are so many anti-smoking laws now that I have to stop smoking. Any suggestions on the most effective ways to quit?

Just go cold turkey. It is the most reliable way to quit. If you make it through the first week without smoking you'll never smoke again. Quitting smoking is hard. You will need the help of friends to make sure you really stop for good.