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why are people so nude and dis gusting i know how you feel because my friend i like my family comfortable and nice you know what i mean

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Q: Youeat pizza or chicken everyday like i do maybe chinse or more most likely pizza from my friend they are awesome you know wha i mean best friend forevery?
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Can youeat popcorn while on Atkins?

Afraid not.

How do youeat spagetti?

You twirl it with a fork and take a bite.

What can youeat with gastric enteritus?

i was told by my Gp not to have any dairy products has this made me have severe stomache pains and be sick.

What kind of candy can youeat after having your gallbladder out?

After having your gallbladder out, you should avoid fatty or spicy foods. You should be able to eat any low fat candies, or very small amounts of those with fat.

My emotions are affecting my eating and I will either eat just below average in the way of food or not a lot is there something wrong with me?

Since it's getting to your eating it sounds more like depression, I recommend when youeat you have proteins from the legume family such as beans and , organic vegetables, and fruits. This will probably help your energy too.

How many calories in fried steak?

Calories in fried steakThe calorie content depends on the type of steak, the weight, and whether youeat the fat or just the lean. Here are some examples.When pan fried, there are:approx 67 calories per ounce or 28 g of sirloin steak (lean only)approx 268 calories in a 4 oz or 114g sirloin steak (lean only)approx 402 calories in a 6 oz or 171g sirloin steak (lean only)approx 536 calories in an 8 oz or 227g sirloin steak (lean only)approx 804 calories in a 12 oz or 340g sirloin streak (lean only)approx 1072 calories in a 16 oz or 454g sirloin steak (lean only).For the calories in vegetables/salad or fruit to serve with steak, and vegetable and fruit calorie charts that you can use as daily guides, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What are good video ideas for a YouTube video?

Make a black light show. Do a skit. Sing and dance. Show a recipe. Do an animation using GoAnimate!or Xtranormal. Combine videos and photos using Vlix, One true media, and Stupeflix. Just remember to have FUN!