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u wont pass emission, but nothing u will get more horse power.

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Q: Your 1989 Chevy Caprice is missing its catalytic converter What Will happen if not reinstalled?
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Is ok to remove catalytic converter?

No, it is illegal to remove a catalytic converter punishable with a $1,000 fine. Besides the car will not run correct with the converter missing.

Why would catalytic converter have to replaced on a new car with 20000 miles?

A catalytic converter can be ruined by a engine that is missing and dumping raw fuel into the converter.

How will vehicle run without catalytic converter?

A vehicle that is supposed to have a catalytic converter and it is missing or repaired will run with higher pollution output.

Does a missing catalytic converter effect the idle?

Yes, and it is illegal to drive a car with the converter removed.

Does a catalytic converter cause a car to fail emissions?

Yes, it can if faulty or missing.

How would you know if the catalytic converter on your vehicle had been stolen?

Your catalytic converter is located between your engine and your muffler. If it was missing you would hear it when you started your vehicle. Actually, everybody in your neighborhood would hear it.

Can you sell a vehicle that has the catalytic converter missing?

Yes, but you must tell the potential buyer that it is missing. That it may be illegal to drive the vehicle without it.

Why is the catalytic converter turning red hot after i just bought a o2 sensor and changed out the catalytic converter?

Too rich of an air/fuel mixture of one of more cylinders missing and not completely burning the fuel.

Do car dealers report you if catalytic converter is missing?

They may turn you in or they may just demand you pay for a replacement. It is illegal to remove the converter from any vehicle. You had better replace the converter if it is missing before trading in the car. Otherwise you may end up paying a fine of $1,000 and then having to buy a converter for the car you trade in anyway.

Will it hurt to run without a catalytic on a 98 TJ wrangler with a 2.5?

It could. One, it is illegal. Two, the computer may try to adjust for the missing catalytic converter and that can cause poor economy and drive ability.

Can your car run better without a catalytic converter?

absolutely it will have more power however it wont pass the smog If it is a 1996 or later model the computer will try to adjust for the incorrect oxygen sensor readings ,due to the missing cat. This can and will hurt power and economy. Plus it is very illegal to remove a catalytic converter.

Can removing the catalytic converter mess up the cars computer or Ruin gas mileage?

A catalytic converter's function is to filter most pollutants out of the exhaust so it probably wouldn't mess up the computer in the car or lower gas mileage. On an OBDII vehicle(post 1996) the computer watches the O2 sensors to monitor converter efficiency If the converter has failed(or is missing) the computer will adjust fuel ratios to try to compensate This can ruin economy,