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My wife did the very same thing to my 2001!! (seriously! ;))

My trusted transmission repair shop reported the torque converter had pretty well self-destructed.

$1600 later we were, and ARE, happily "on the road again" (Willie Nelson)

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Q: Your 2003 windstar stop moving when your wife was driving it It does not have any gears that work now could it be the transmission?
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Try this solution. It seems that Windstars have a problem with the intake manifold.

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What can cause the RPM on a car to jump while driving is a problem with the transmission. It could be a problem with the gears in the transmission itself.

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If you aren't moving and it is making the noise, it may be the transmission or engine. if you are moving and it makes it, it could be a joint or a worn disc brake. If you aren't moving it is definitely not a joint.

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You have a problem with your transmission. If it is only occasionally on - it could be just overheating. A dealer can retrieve the code to find out what the problem is.

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A serious vacuum leak could cause that.

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could be failing transmission