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If you mean they are not erupting at the right months , it is not abnormal to have teeth erupting late or early. If you mean the teeth are not erupting in right order it still is not a thing to worry about.

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Q: Your baby has cut a tooth in the wrong pattern is it normal?
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Loose tooth that I don't know is a permanent tooth or baby tooth what should I do?

There is nothing you can do. Don't mess with itand let it drop out. The tooth wouldn't come out if it shouldn't. Recently I've had a tooth that has came out, which i still don't know if it is a baby tooth or an adult one. I started worrying looking all over the Internet for advise. I found some and was assured that there was nothing wrong... its normal.

What happens if a baby cats tooth falls out?

Their adult tooth grows in its place. This u normal

Is it normal to have leftover gums after a lost baby tooth?

I don't know if its normal but i felt something similar a small fragment of bone in my gum after the extraction but eventually it made its way out and its gone now..

Your son just lost his first baby tooth but he is only 5 is this normal?

Yes, it is within the range of normal, 5-7 yrs old. Say hello to the tooth fairy for me.

Your son is 13 and has had a tooth fall out is ths a baby tooth?

Yes that's perfectly normal. My last tooth fell out when i was 12-14. Its been 2 years or so. But don't be worried

Is it normal for a 7 month old kitten to have a loose canine tooth?

sure, they lose their baby teeth same as dogs. if this is a permanent tooth, then no. see your vet

How do you compare a baby tooth from an adult?

A baby tooth is smaller than a adult tooth.

How does a baby root canal work?

Not given to babies. ANOTHER ANSWER: Sometimes a procedure called a 'pulpotomy' is performed on baby teeth. It is essentially the same as a root canal procedure on an adult tooth. The tooth is numbed with local anesthetic, the tooth is opened with a dental drill, the nerve and the infection is removed, and filling material is used to restore the tooth. It will typically preserve the baby tooth until the tooth is lost in the normal process of growth or 'exfoliation' where baby teeth are lost to make room for the permanent teeth.

What is a baby tooth?

A baby tooth is a tooth which will be replaced when it has been lost by the child to whom it belongs, and replaced with a permanent, adult tooth.

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

If you have a baby tooth and an adult tooth is growing in front of the baby tooth would you need to remove the baby tooth?

This is very common in children where the adult tooth comes out behind or in front of the baby tooth. Sometimes the baby tooth becomes loose as the adult tooth comes out more and extraction is not necessary. If the tooth is not becoming loose, then the tooth should be removed. Dentist Richmond Hill

When does your baby loose there first tooth?

Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six. Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six.