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You have to talk to her directly as to conclude the relation. Make her understand that you love her but not as a brother.

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Q: Your best friend thinks you are only like her brother but you love her?
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What should i do if i like my bff's brother?

you tell your best friend and see what she thinks about it

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u tell her that u dont like him

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It means the girl thinks of you as her friend, kind of like a brother. but not as a relationship.

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Tell your brother first then the best friend....

What do you do if you like your friend's brother?

Try to tell your friend that you like her brother. This should be done gently in a way that might limit surprise. Tell the brother that you like him. Honesty is best, both in talking to your friend and her brother.

Whose friends is like a brother?

My best friend ever is like my little brother <3

Can you like your best friends brother?

of course you can! it doesn't matter what your best friend thinks because if they are a real friend then they should understand your feelings for their brother. Obviously you can. Because he's just a guy right? The only thing is he's your best friend's brother but hey, it's okay. When you first developed the feeling, you should tell your best friend and see how she reacted. If she didn't approve of it, respect her opinion and just talk about it behind her back with the brother. Well I have this crush on my friend's brother and he likes me back too. And I don't think my friend likes it because when he was about to ask me out, she told him I didn't like him back and he changed his mind. So yeah, good luck!

What if your best friend and her family think you like your best friends brother?

I've been dating my best friend's brother for a year and a half, so you're question made me smile. Granted I'm 21 so maybe it's a little different. But if you DO like him, then maybe your friend will help you make something work. But if you DON'T like him then just tell your friend. If she's your best friend, she should believe you. And don't care what her family thinks. They shouldn't care who you like anyway. Don't worry about what other people think so much. Spend more time doing what makes you happy, whether that's liking your friend's brother, or liking someone else!

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It doesn't matter if you like him or not, he's MARRIED.

What do you do if your friend thinks you like her boyfriend who happens to be one of your best friends?

Tell her your a true friend and tell her the truth. Do you or do you not.

What should you do if your exgirlfriend is dating your best friend but thinks she might still like you?

if your girlfriend AND your best friend turned on you- wow- that must hurt

What do you do when you like your best friends brother?

tell your best friend if they don't mind go for him