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It's good that you want to look after your friend, but be careful how you do it.

I would not recommend trying to get her bf to kiss you because even though you are doing so only for your friend's sake, she might take it the wrong way, accuse you of being into her bf and you could lose her as a friend. People who are emotionally wounded sometimes have trouble seeing things from a rational point of view, and no matter how much you try to explain your reason for doing what you did she may not want to hear it.

Have you tried talking to her about your concerns? Would she be willing to listen, and if so maybe she can bring up the matter with her bf herself.

If visual evidence is necessary then try to get someone who is not a friend to make some moves on the guy and see if he kisses them.

You want to have hard evidence of him cheating, because it is in people's nature to flirt to some degree, and in most cases it's innocent, and does not necessarily mean that person is a cheater.

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Q: Your bff bf flirts with people you want to think of a way or a sceem to kiss you so that she will see that he will cheat on her?
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