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It sounds like he is trying to 'pimp' you out. Your boyfriend would prefer that you sleep with someone else other than him?

He hasn't slept with you himself but he thinks someone else should?

You need to have a long talk with that man!

Why does he not want to sleep with you?

How does he know he would enjoy it?

Has he expressed any concerns about whether you might enjoy it?

Might he be gay?

Do you think he might want to sleep with the man whom he wants you to sleep with?

Talk to him.... and don't accept any evasive answers. Offering you to someone else is serisously disrespectful of you.

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Q: Your boyfriend ask you sleep with other man he say he really enjoy if you sleep with other men. Your boy and you have never had sex. You are still a virgin you have been a couple for 8 years?
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Enjoy it..