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Boyfriend is Moving! Yes, I know, it is hard to have someone you care for leave! Especially if your life turns about this relationship. I also had my love when I was young. Life has its twists and turns. Long distance relationships don't last. Things happen all the time. What seems right today, will have little meaning tomorrow. Go on! You have just started on your trip fo life. Lots of things will happen. There will be many more boyfriends. They might hang around or they might leave. Unfortunately, there is little you can count on in the long run. Eventually, in a few years from now, maybe your boyfriend will come back and, being more mature, you can start over again or you will find someone else to spend you life with.

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Q: Your boyfriend is moving to Washington in the summer before you start school and you really like him should you break up or have a long distance relationship?
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of course. he will always probably like you in some way if you had a serious relationship before.

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