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You mean you owed more than the car was worth. An insurance company will only pay you for the value of the car - what it's worth depending on age, condition, etc. If you owed more than that - were upside down on the loan as it's known - you are still responsible for the payments, and are without a car. It's unfortunate, but it happens fairly often. Yes your car will be paid off since the accident wasn't your fault although it probably would have been paid for either way since most car lenders require you to have full coverage while going through the loan. Anyway, your the buses insurer will pay you the book value of your car minus what's owed because lenders have to get paid first. Why you ask? Lenders are the ones who lent you the money to buy the car and since they technically hold the title they have to be paid first and it's ALWAYS in an auto loan contract. Hopefully you have some equity in your car, meaning what it's worth is more than what you owe. For example if you owe $14,000 on a car and at the time of incident it was worth $16,000, the insurance company would send you a check for $2,000 which is the net difference. Now if it was the other way around and you owed $16,000 while the car's only worth $14,000, you would have to end up paying $2,000 out of pocket unless you had GAP from the dealer which nulls the contract in case the car is upside down in the loan and it gets totaled. It sucks but that's auto loans for you.

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Q: Your car is on finance and its been wrote off by a bus which was at fault will the insurance pay your finance off and wil you still be without a car?
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Yes, If the accident was your fault, then it is your fault. Whether or not they have insurance has nothing to do with who's at fault, or who actually caused the accident.

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The insurance company is the one that determines fault so if you deny it, they can still rule against you.

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Who is it that doesn't have insurance (your, or the 'other' person)? If you don't have insurance and are at fault there is no way you can receive any money for the car. If ther other person involved is missing insurance then you will still be covered if you pay for collision or uninsured motorist.