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just rapidly press the space bar a lot

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Q: Your computer does not turn on from amber to green?
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Related questions

Why did your computer screen turn green?

green color is vantage for our eyes.

What led states are most commonly seen by users Dell computer?

off, green, blinking amber

What order do traffic lights go from red to red?

Red, red and amber, green, amber, red. It depends where you are. In North America, they go red, green, yellow, red. In at least some places in Europe they go red, amber, green, amber, red.

What does amber and green make?


What does amber mean in a traffic light sequence?

Amber (or red) in a traffic light sequence means "stop," put the brakes on! Green means "go;" and yellow signifies that the traffic light is about to turn red (or amber), so you should start to slow down and prepare to stop.

Are Korat cats kind of grayish with green eyes?

Yes. They have a blue-grey coat with green eyes. All kittens are born with blue eyes, and then most gradually turn into an amber colour. Korats are the same except their eyes gradually turn green. A Korat cat with very green eyes will do well in shows.

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I have a piece of green amber jewelry that appears to be going yellow. It is kept in a jewelry box for safety normally. Is it possible for green amber to change color like this?

Amber does occur naturally in the color green, but it is a light yellowish green typically found with lots of soil inclusions, it does not look like the sparkling green amber you are probably thinking of "Just as peridot, citrine, turquoise and most all gems are treated and stabilized to bring out luster and shine, similar treatments are used to enhance green amber."

What is amber tamblyn's favorite color?


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What is the middle traffic light called?

Amber, as in: Red - stop Green - go Amber - caution

Why are eye colors only green brown and blue?

Brown, blue, green, hazel, gray, amber. Albinos have red eyes.