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Your dog will be fine, but make sure they do not hurt themselves (if the pill is meant to make humans go to sleep it might be disorienting to dogs).

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Q: Your dog ate an advil cold and sinus tablet what should you do she is 130 lb German Shepard?
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Should you take advil or Tylenol for a cut tongue?

well the tongue heals the quickest on the human body, it depends on how severe the cut is though to determine weather or not it needs medicine. if severe enough Advil doesn't make you as drowsy as Tylenol and it depends on the amount. the avg mg per Advil tablet is 200mg but to get some actual relief you need 400mg (2 tablets)

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Advil and IB profen are good for this. Also a heating pad or a hot bath always help. (:

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Advil is not safe to give to animals. If an English Bulldog needs pain medicine a veterinarian should be consulted.

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No, you should not take Advil if you are a diabetic. I believe up to 6 Tylenol a day is permitted.

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It can not prevent or end pregnancy but if you are pregnant you should avoid it.

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no i dont think you should combine them.

How do you stop pain in head?

Take two advil it should go away.

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Taking Advil is normally safe. Not seeking medical treatment after the concussion is not. ~ T

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You should do the experiment and let us know.

100 lb lab ate one advil should you do anything?

I am not a vet, but I don't think that you have anything to worry about. Some vets prescribe advil for dogs with arthritis. Your dog is large enough that one pill should not adversely affect him/her.

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I hope your mom has gotten medical attention by now. You should have given aspirin 325 mg., not advil. Blessings and I hope she is OK

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No, you should not. Check with your doctor first.