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it may be hard for you to belive but the best may to keep your dog from struggling any further is to put them to sleep. i have recently gone through this. and right now it may seem like a bad idea, but in the end your dog will be thanking you for not put anymore pain on them.

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Q: Your dog is struggling with cushings disease is 13 years old?
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How do you know how long your dog will live with pituitary cushings disease?

Take your pet to your Veterinarian to be checked out and discuss this with him or her. How can someone on the internet possibly know?

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Your question shows signs of canine diabetes or cushings disease, that may not be the cause, please go to the vet NOW

Why is your dog losing fur along her tail and under her legs?

Possible infection or canine cushings disease, here is a help site link

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Is you dog showing signs of a pot belly or eating more than usual? Losing hair is a sign of cushings disease

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How old is dog, possible heart trouble, this can cause a cough, is the dog panting alot or constant this is a sign of cushings disease and both can be treated.

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a Boston terrier is a dog.......... and that's an incomplete sentence. what are you asking exactly? Answer 2 for a neurological disorder, this can be caused by epilepsy, diabetes or cushings disease

What is canine addisons disease?

Addison's disease is the human medical term that was co-opted by veterinary medicine for hypoadrenocorticism, a disease in which the adrenal glands do not secrete enough hormones. There are several different types of hypoadrenocorticism: low glucocorticoids, low mineralocorticoids and low androcorticoids. Depending on which class of adrenal hormones are deficient, you would need to administer them to your dog; your veterinarian can work with you on determining the proper dosage, route and timing of supplementation.

How long should my dog be kept on Prednisone?

This will depend greatly on why your dog was started on prednisone. If the prednisone was for a temporary condition, like getting an itchy skin under control, your dog should be weaned off the prednisone within a couple months at most. However, prednisone is also prescribed to treat Cushings disease, which is a permanent condition that requires medication for the rest of the dog's life.

Which position is best if a dog is struggling to breath?

Very important:take the dog to the vet immediately!

Why does your dog breath hard when sleeping?

Well if your dog is old the muscles of its bladder may be getting weak so... anyway.. if your dog is still quite young then the best thing to do is take it to a vet. Dogs can and do indeed pee while they are sleeping. There are many vet sites that explain what the issues might be.

What is the cause of laryngeal paralysis in dogs?

There could be a variety of reasons for dog paralysis such as age, breed, degenerative disks,nerve damage or sorts, ticks in their skin, various bacterial/infections - either way you must have them checked as soon as possible because some of these conditions can be reversed.

Why is your Dalmatian fur turning yellow?

Your dog probably has liver problems. My dog had the same thing and my vet said she had liver problems!