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Rover could have heard or smelt something that has excited him/her. Dogs don't just pant after physical exertion - they pant when they are 'worked up'. For example, he could have picked up the scent of another dog (remember, dogs can smell each other over long distances down-wind), or maybe he gets excited or frightened during a thunderstorm. A telltale sign (pun intended) is to look at his tail. If held between the hind legs, the source of his excitement could be something that he is afraid of. Walking around the house is just a dog's way of releasing stress. If you look-up why dogs wag their tails, its the same reason. Be observant to the environment and the dog's body language to get a clue on what's working him up.

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Q: Your dog was just walking quick around your house like he was uncomfortable just kept walking and walking you thought he had to go to the bathroom but no He was panting a little what could this be?
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