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Q: Your dominant female cat won't let you pet her anymore and is very aggressive towards her kitten. What should you do?
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Who is more dominant a female jaguar or a male jaguar?

Male jaguars are generally more dominant in the animal kingdom. However, when it comes to the female jaguar protecting her children, the female can become pretty aggressive and controlling/dominant.

Why do you think that animals are aggressive towards each other?

because they want to mate with the female that is mating with someone else

Should you keep the male away from the female when pregnant?

It depends. Is the male becoming aggressive? If it is then something's wrong. Males are usually protective of the females and pups (depending on breed) so if it is acting aggressive towards the female then it will hurt the puppy's. Other male dogs will be fine around the pregnant female but become aggressive towards the pups. Do your research on the breed to determine what is the best way to protect not only the female and pups but the male because the female will attack the male if he try's to attack the puppy's.

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they are very aggressive to the males and challenge a lot just for one female. but towards the 'lady' they are not very aggressive at all and then stay with the mother to hunt for them then the part there separate ways.

What if the male is in the cage when your female hamster has babies?

It depends on the species. The female may be aggressive towards the male and the male will stay away or they'll fight, but with Russian dwarf hamsters the father will help.

What does a male alligator do if a female isn't interested in mating with him when he's interested?

Usually the male will go away and search for another female; but if the male is a dominant male and large/gets what he wants, he may become very aggressive and attack her.

What is the dominant female wolf?

The "Alpha Female"

What is an AG female?

An "aggressive."

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The orca hierarchy is matriarchal meaning female dominant

Should you separate a male comet goldfish who is aggressive towards the female?

they are probably spawning. check out this sight it helped me:

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The term femdom can be used to mean a dominant female, or a dominatrix.