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"of which you would be there to why does he do this" makes no sense

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Q: Your ex- boyfriend kisses and loves on you and has tried to get small groups of people togerther of which you would be there to why does he do this?
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How can you get a boyfriend if you never had one before?

Try to get into social groups and meet people befrend guys and eventually someone will pop the question

Does undertaker kiss people?

He kisses his girlfriend.

Do Mindless Behavior argue?

Probably. Everyone argues, escpecially people who are togerther all the time. Arguing is healthy among strong relationships which mindless behavior has.

How do you make Hershey's Kisses?

you ask the people who make it.

Tips on how to get a boyfriend?

1. Try to always look nice. Boys are VERY visual. 2. be a friend first. Don't just look for a boyfriend, that makes you look desperate. Just be nice to people and do things together in large groups. If you look nice, are pleasant to be around and don't seem psychotic or desperate, a boyfriend will find you.

Who need a boyfriend?

People who are looking for a boyfriend might need a boyfriend, but you can be happy when you are single too.

How many people are fans of vampire kisses?

probly about 50 percent of girls.

Why does sonic gets emberest when Amy kisses him?

because he think people will laugh at him.

Are you obsessed with your boyfriend?

There are many people who are obsessed with their boyfriend. Not all people are going to be obsessed with their boyfriends though.

Why do people crowd around you and your boyfriend?

some people don't mean any thing by it ,or sometimes they like you or your boyfriend

Is Kendall Schmidt in love with Sarah bailey?

He's not he kisses a lot Of People at his concerts

Does Jusitn Bieber like kisses?

yes.he loves it when people show affection around him