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If your goldfish is all alone then you know it isn't from fighting or other fish. It is probably that he is growing and the scales will soon replace themselves.

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Q: Your goldfish is all alone but he has some scales missing?
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Related questions

Are your goldfish losing scales from stress or from birth?

Could possibly be something more seriously wrong when fish lose scales. COuld be a parasite, fungus or some disease.

How do you defeat a dragon in real life?

you obviously stab it or shoot where some of its scales are missing on its body.. watch the hobbit!!

Does a goldfish get along with an African frog?

"the frog eats the goldfish, unless the fish are too big for it's mouth. " -unknown Yes the goldfish will get along with him once they know what he is. And he will get along with them. I have one and the goldfish are tiny and some are big and he leaves them all alone. Ive had frogs for years with many kind of fish that are small and he always outgrew them and leaved them alone. But in other circomstances maby not. - aaron!

What are some of the breeds of goldfish?

Some common breeds of goldfish are: the Black Moor goldfish, the Ryunkin goldfish, the comet goldfish, the common goldfish, the Calico Fantail goldfish, the telescope eye goldfish, the bubble eye goldfish, the pearl scale goldfish and the Oranda goldfish.

What is some facts about goldfish?

goldfish are gold sometimes

What are some types of scales produced by OHAUS?

There are many types of scales produced by OHAUS. Some of the types of scales produced by OHAUS culinary scales, moisture balance scales, and hand held scales.

What color are goldfish in the wild?

Goldfish are available in more colors than just gold. In fact, there are goldfish that are colored yellow, red, bronze, blue and even black! What's more, some goldfish have a mixture of colors in their scales, with varying shades, hues, or colored shapes.

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Are goldfish really gold?

Goldfish is simply the common name given to a species of domesticated Carp. They have been bred to be of many colours and body and fin shapes and many of these "Goldfish" have other names too which defines their different colours and shapes..

Are goldfish male?

Some goldfish are male, while others are female.

Do all fish have scales?

Most fish do in fact have scales, even some with scales that are nearly microscopic in size; many catfish however do not have scales, they have armour plating, but not scales.

What are some basic breeds of goldfish?

there are three basic breeds: fantail goldfish, comet goldfish, and common goldfish. if you are getting goldfish for the first time, i would recommend common goldfish as they need the least care.