

Your hamster is gone what should you do?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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If your hamster is gone, look for it really good. Hamsters need soft bedding to burrow in. Look for somewhere soft and cushiony where the hamster would rest.If you can't find your hamster and it got out of it's cage by itself don't feel like it's your fault even if you opened and it ran out. Hamsters don't come back to you like dogs do. Look for your hamster in the daytime when it should be asleep and also don't open any doors unless you have to. Buy another hamster to replace it and it will make you feel a lot better! But this time be extra careful!

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Yes, you can leave a hamster alone for a weekend. I have left my hamster alone for up to a week. Obviously, you can't just leave them as is, you need to make sure they have enough food and water for the amount of time you are gone. You should do these things before you leave: * Make sure the hamster(s) cage is clean before you leave. * You should know how much water your hamster drinks in a few days, so leave him at least that much water. I recommend completely filling the bottle up with clean water on the day you leave even if he will not drink that much in the time you're gone. * Make sure to fill his food bowl up. Make sure he has enough food for however long you are gone. If you will be gone longer and think he won't have enough food, buy a hamster food log. They are inexpensive, provide more food for extended stays, and my hamster loves them. * Make sure his cage is out of direct sunlight while you're gone. If you do all of that, he should be fine!

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A hamster cage should be cleaned weekly.

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Sadly, no hamsters have ever gone into space.

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What should you do with the hamster when changing the bedding?

You should put your hamster in a safe place, or have someone else hold it for you. If you have a hamster ball, let your hamster exercise in that while cleaning out it's bedding.

Which hamster should you pick out of a litter?

well when picking a hamster look for the more well boded hamster

Can a hamster in one cage with wet tail pass it to another hamster in another cage?

Yes. The hamster's should be separated, the cage should be cleaned completely, and the hamster should receive immediate medical attention or else it may die.

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If you have the money, PSP No money, hamster

Can a hamster eat Buckeyes?

I think that they can. My hamster only nipped at it. She had it gone in 3 days! I think they nip at it to keep the teeth from growing too far and hurting it.