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from a child molestor which is me Scot Bently

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Q: Your kids are deaf where can you find lyrics for them to sign?
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Where would you go to find the sign language of the song your immortal by evanescence?

I would print out the lyrics and ask a deaf friend for help. If that was not an option, I would sit down with a sign language dictionary such as Joy of Signing and translate the lyrics.

What is are in a sign language?

sign language is the way deaf people talk but not with their mouth they use their hands to talk you can talk to deaf people by using sign language

What type of teacher would you be called if you wanted to teach deaf kids how to speak sign language?

You would be called any of the following, depending on the situation:teacherspecial education teachersign language teacherprofessorteaching assistant

Are deaf people lucky to be deaf?

Being deaf, I don't find deafness as a sign of weakness; just an inability to hear. I truly am lucky to be deaf. I could communicate with a beautiful language- ASL. (American Sign Language.) There also are many sign languages in different countries. For an example, there is French Sign Language. So bascially it is like as if I am a foreigner and you are an American. There is no difference.

How do you establish a very nice reputation?

Volunteer, read to blind children, or teach deaf kids sign language.

How can you find one deaf sign a man made to you?

Go to:

What are the needs of deaf people?

Deaf people can't hear so they have to have people come in to teach them sign language. It is good to know the Sign Language system so you can communicate with the deaf person and bring a smile on their face. Deaf people want to just be normal like some other kids and when kids are nice to them it makes them feel good. It is good to appreciate the good things in life than focus on the bad things.

How do you say that you are deaf in sign language?

I am deaf.You are deaf.

How many syllables are there in the words sign language is used for deaf and blind?

"Sign language is used for deaf and blind" has nine syllables. Sign-lan-guage-is-used-for-deaf-and-blind.

How is American sign language is traditionally handed down from generation?

American Sign Language (ASL) is traditionally passed down through deaf communities and families, where it is acquired from a young age by deaf children from deaf parents or relatives. Deaf cultural events, schools for the deaf, and social gatherings also play a role in the transmission of ASL from one generation to the next. Additionally, technology and resources for learning ASL have become more widely available in recent years, contributing to its continued use and dissemination.

How do you use in sentences deaf?

He was born deaf and he learned to sign and read lips.

Who used sign language?

Sign Language is primarily used by the deaf community. However, babies use sign language before they learn to talk.