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Q: Your miniature Oro Blanco Tree has many new tiny Grapefruit buds Should you remove some to allow it to grow properly?
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What blood pressure pills should not be taken with grapefruit?

You should take Viagra For high blood pressure, it is good because you can take it with grapefruit. Grapefruit increases the effectiveness of blood pressure pills, therefore, the normal dosage that you take without grapefruit will become an overdose with grapefruit.

Is a grapefruit a fruit or vegetable?

A grapefruit is a FRUIT. Think about it grapefruit, fruit, get the hint? Look it up online and you should get the grapefruit tree, and it say that it is know for it sour fruit.

Can you drink grapefruit juice while taking perindopril?

The warning label for Cardura does not say anything about grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Therefore, it should be safe to drink grapefruit juice while taking this medication.

Should you drink grapefruit juice with your medications?

No. Some medications give instructions not to have grapefruit juice with the medicine. I know statins are explicit about not having grapefruit juice.

How old should a miniature pincher be before giving them away?

a miniature pincher or any other dog that is should be 6 weeks at the least

When should i eat grapefruit?

whenever u want...

Can you drink grapefruit juice and take crestor?

Yes you can take grapefruit with tricor. Tricor coming under fibreate family not the statin family. You should limit grapefruit juice and fresh grapefruit consumption while taking statins, as grapefruit can interfere with the liver's ability to metabolize these medications.

Does grapefruit interact with Valium?

Grapefruit does interact with Valium. You should use caution when using these together. I recommend not taking Valium within 6-8 hours of eating or drinking grapefruit. The grapefruit can interfere with the way your body metabolizes and uses Valium.

If uric acid level is elevated should grapefruit be eaten?


What meds does grapefruit interact with?

Dextrometorphan should not be taken with Grapefruit as you will probably get hallucinations. Edit: If you are taking normal doses of dextrometorphan and you do not have a rare sensitivity to it (because of an enzyme in your liver, or lack thereof), then grapefruit will have no effect whatsoever. As a matter of fact the relation between eating grapefruit and the effectiveness of dextrometorphan has not been successfully demonstrated. The problem with grapefruit-drug interactions is that sulfur-compounds in grapefruit juice may affect the way many meds are metabolized in the liver. This involves many antihypertensive and cholesterol-lowering agents and should probably be avoided.

Can you eat grapefruit while taking losartan potassium?

Grapefruit changes the metabolism of certain prescription medications. You should definitely contact your pharmacy or physician to get a good answer, but there is an interaction warning between grapefruit and zolpidem (Ambien).

How grapefruit causes hypertension?

Grapefruit does NOT cause hypertension (high blood pressure) however, if a person already has hypertension and is taking medication for it, they should check with their doctor or pharmacist before eating grapefruit at the same time they take their medication because grapefruit can interfere with how some medications work.