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Take it to the vets

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Q: Your mouse got attacted by another mouse and is bleeding what should you do?
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Related questions

What should you do with a mouse with an bleeding ear?

go to the vet and get the ear stiched.

What can you do at home if your pet mouse is bleeding out its but?

Take it to a vet. or go to a pet shop and ask them what they think you should do for it.

When should you take your mouse to the vet?

I think you should bring your pet mouse to the vet when its sick: running nose and or coughing hard. Bring your pet rodent to the vet if it has loss of appetite or bleeding.

Can you put a new mouse in the same cage with another mouse?

You can put a new mouse in the same cage as another, but if your mouse prefers living alone, don't put the mouse in the cage. The older mouse should be better off solitary.

Why is mouse's ear itchy and bleeding?


Why is your female mouse bleeding?

because it is ready to have a baby if it gets near a boy mouse

How does rat poison kill a mouse?

Causes internal bleeding.

What should you do with an injured adult field mouse that you found in your yard if it was possibly poisoned and was bleeding from its nose and you have been giving it water and the bleeding stopped?

Keep it warm overnight, and if it's still alive in the morning, set it free.

What is another name for a wireless mouse?

a mouse

What eats house mouse heads?

Will another mouse eat the head of a mouse caught in a trap?

My mouse is having babies as i ask this question I think there might be complications if you please answer and tell me what the signs for a mouse giving birth is?

the sign of a mouse about to give birth is it isn't moving to much. another way to tell is if it has extreme weight gain. or there could be bleeding in the cage. make sure you put a lot of bedding where mom sleeps. another sign is if she's burrowing deep in the bedding. don't bother the cage in till one day after birth.

Will a mouse eat another sick mouse?

Possibly, yes. They occasionally canniblize.