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Missing a menstrual period is a lot more common than most people realize. It often occurs as a result of undergoing a lot of stress. Stress can disrupt the normal hormonal balance in your body, causing your period to come late, or skip for one month. Some other typical causes of missed periods include undergoing any major changes in your life, such as moving, starting a new job or a new romance, or changed eating or exercise habits. Losing a significant amount of weight can also cause you to miss a menstrual period. I would attempt another home test and book an appointment with a doctor. Remember that home tests are only 99.9% accurate that means 1 in every 1000 used are wrong.

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Q: Your period is ten days late and your home pregnancy test was negative Are you pregnant?
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You took a pregnancy test and it was negative then you had your period 2 days later was it your period or pregnancy bleeding?

Most likely your period. You're probs not pregnant.

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How can you tell when you are not pregnant?

If you get your period or when you take a pregnancy test 14 days after having sex and it comes up negative.

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Sounds to me like you are just having a period and are not pregnant.

How much of a chance is there of me being pregnant if my pregnancy test came back negative but my period isn't due for another 8 days?

Yes you can still be pregnant.

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no because your period controls your pregnancy.

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You're not pregnant?

Can you be pregnant if you normally have a period for 7 days and you only had it for 3 days this time?

Yes, you can be pregnant, your period stops after pregnancy, if you recently had sex and your period stopped early you probably are pregnant.

Had your period two days and at first pregnancy test was negative then ten hours later positive could you be pregnant?

yes you could be pregnant,.. use another test after a few days, or seek a blood test from a doctor