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1/3rd / One Third of the total number of puppies.

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Q: Your pet dog gave birth to 6 puppies Mother gave 2 puppies to her friends What part of the puppies did Mother give to her friend?
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Related questions

From what part of the body does a dog give birth?

The puppies pass from the uterus and out the vagina of the mother dog.

After having puppies do all dogs pant?

== == Yes, it takes a lot out of the mother giving birth to two or more puppies and she's tired and wants to sleep.

How many puppies can a miniature Maltese give birth to?

1-4 depending on the size of the mother and father

A mother dog gives birth to how many puppies on average?

It is dependent on the dog along with local factors on how many puppies a female dog will give birth to, this number is usually anywhere between one and may be around 17 puppies if there are no complications during the pregnancy.

Can dogs give birth to cows?

No. Dogs have puppies and Cows have calves. no they can;t but they can give birth to humans my mother is a jack russel, called Patch.

What do feed a mother Maltese after giving birth to a litter of puppies?

bacon and bacon geese promotes good digestion

Can puppies be trained from birth or can you let them do whatever they want?

Puppies and not be trained from birth.

Can you separate a dog from her puppies a day or two after birth so she can get a break?

its not recomended. the mother will become worried and begin looking for her puppies everywhere. it wont be a break for her. and the puppies will be whinning constantly for milk. the puppies might also die without food. the mother and pups would probably be okay with an hour or two away from each other

Is it normal for a chihuahua to eat her puppies at birth?

No it is not normal for chihuahua to eat its puppies at birth

Why do mother dogs sometimes move their puppies soon after birth?

Mother dogs sometimes move their puppies soon after birth because they want to find a more secure place. They may not feel safe where they were. This can happen if there is too much activity in the area.

Is it ok for a dog that is pregnant to take control of another dogs puppies that just gave birth and would the dog that's pregnant give milk to the puppies?

Somtimes yes somtimes no but if the mother of the puppies is dead then yes if the mother of the puppies rejects her puppys then yes if the mother allows her to be around yes. but if the mother of the puppys snarls and growles no take the other pregnet dog away for the mother and her puppys. Female dogs are very moody when they have puppys and very protective, Just like wolves and there puppys!

Can a dog have more puppies the next day after delivery?

The answer is yes, my friend has a dog that gave birth to 2 puppies on Friday then the next day she had 2 more. So YES its possible.