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If the rabbit hasn't been spayed it's probably cancer. Females have an 80% chance of developing cancer at an early age. Both males and females should be fixed.

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Q: Your rabbit is bleeding from her vaginal area Do female rabbits have a time of the month or it it something serious?
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Does a teen still bleed if not a virgin?

vaginal bleeding does not only tell if you are a virgin or not, it can also mean something more serious.

What should I do if I have vaginal bleeding after a bowel movement?

Vaginal bleeding after a bowel movement is potentially very serious. You should see a doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause.

What is heavy vaginal bleeding a sign of?

sometimes, it can be a sign of just a heavy menstrual period- at other times, it could be something more serious.... call your gynacalogist and have them check it out

What lab test or procedures will the doctor order for vaginal bleeding while pregnant?

The best way to find out what is happening is to have an ultrasound scan, so you can actually see if there is a serious problem. Often there is no apparent reason for vaginal bleeding in pregnancy.

Can vaginal bleeding last as long as a period?

Vaginal bleeding is period sweetie lol

What are the symptoms of vaginal bleeding?

There is only one symptom of vaginal bleeding - you bleed from your vagina. I'm not sure what it is you're asking here, vaginal bleeding is literally just that, there are no side-effects.

Is there something wrong if you have a period lasting 12 days but have a 'break' from bleeding for a day?

You defiantly want to see a doctor about this because periods aren't the only reason for vaginal bleeding, it could be due to something worse.

Can vaginal bleeding during a pregnancy be heavy and have menstrual like cramping?

Well it depends. This sounds kind of serious I would go to a doctor right away. Sounds like a miscarrage, you shouldn't be bleeding that profusely when pregnant.

How do you know vaginal bleeding from periods?

Periods are dark red or brown of even black. Vaginal bleeding is light and could not fill a pad.

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How do you know if you have vaginal bleeding?

Blood comes out

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