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Bubbles from the nose could be a sign of a respiratory infection. Others signs of a respiratory infection would be clogged or runny nostrils, lack of appetite, swollen eyes, and open mouth gasping/wheezing. I would be suspicious of the bubbles if the turtle was not in the water.

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Q: Your red eared slider turtle has been basking for a few hours now and bubbles are coming out of her nose Is that normal?
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Should you be concerned if your red eared slider is just staying in one place and not eating?

Yes you should be concerned. There should be a basking area with a temp around 90

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Will a fluorescent lamp heat up basking area for a yellow bellied slider?

i don't think it should matter, but i cant be sure. Ring up your vet or the pet shop and find out.

Is it safe to make a basking rock for a read-slider turtle using glue?

You shouldn't use Super Glue (or anything water soluble) . But, hot glue is okay if you're going to seal it after.

Why will your red eared slider not bask It has a UVB lamp and a heater and a basking area that it can reach but it will not bask?

Maybe the temperature isn't right? Try moving the lamps away 4-5 inches. Also, turtles are very skittish and have excellent hearing. Perhaps it simply hears you coming from far away and gets scared and jumps in the water.

Are red eared sliders aquatic turtles?

They are semi-aquatic. They need a basking light and a basking area such as a floating log or basking platform so that they can climb out of the water to bask. This is essential to their health. If a red eared slider doesn't have an area to bask and can't get out of the water, it's shell will get soft and it will eventually die. They need UVA and UVB light in order to process their food. Heat and light are essential for these turtles. Keep them in water around 70 degrees and provide a basking area and a basking light that has both UVA and UVB rays or two lights, including one UVA and one UVB bulb.

Is it normal if your red-eared slider turtle does not like to swim and lays on her rock all day long while your yellow-bellied turtle swims all the time?

Yes. Although red eared slider turtles are aquatic, they love to sit on rock and let themselves be exposed to the sun, air; and basking is part of their natural lifwestyle as it dries their shell on a regular basis to prevent shell rot and fungal infection. So therefore = DO NOT REMOVE THE BASKING MATERIAL or the natural lifestyle patterns will be disturbed. However, if the turtle spends too much time on the rock and hardly ever comes off then it could be a sign of a health problem. See your herp vet.

How big do ghost red eared sliders get?

Ghost Red Eared Slider Turtles will get to be the same size as normal Red Eared Slider Turtles, which is 10-12 inches.

What does it mean when a red eared slider does not want to be in the water?

Well, he is probably just out basking. I have a baby eastern painted turtle that stays out of the water most of the day. There is no need to worry just make sure that he doesn't get stuck to whatever he is basking on, from being dry. It is okay for him to be dry just make sure that he gets wet every 3 hours or so.

Is it normal for a red eared slider to swim ALL day long?

Yes, sometimes they just like to do that

How long can a red eared slider stay in the water without basking?

turtles need to bask in sunlight but if it's too strong, it will run away, if you have the right temperature, your turtle will stay under the sun for a long time. there is no limit to basking, just watch until your turtle walks away from it