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It is not the battery and the spare remote does not work either

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Q: Your remote no longer works on your 2001 EX Civic any reasons why?
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The button you push to turn on the television no longer works. Is there away of turning on the television?

If your television has an IF "eye," it may be powered on using a remote control. Sorry your screwed.

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this works exelent i tried it and it works on the previous wii console i put all my "Mii's" onto my remote then i transfered them to my new remote it works no worries

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Use a wii remote, works every time.

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You may need to change the batteries in your car key.

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Yes, I currently use a cable with a remote for my iPod Classic and it works perfectly

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Does spinning the batteries in a remote control make them last longer?

Sometimes the remote just won't respond, and I have to turn the POWER on at the tv set. Then I often spin them, tap the remote LIGHTLY on my desk, and voila they do last a little longer.Another tip that frequently works for me is rotating them from their original position. I know it sounds weird, but it has worked numerous times before I've had to eventually replace the batteries in my tv remote.

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code nomber for sanyo-t.v

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You should be able to use your key to unlock the driver's door to deactivate the alarm or to use the remote control. If neither works, there is a button in between the AM/FM and CD button on your Honda stero, and holding it down will deactivate the alarm.

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The Sky remote code for Alba 142M1 is 0253 [at least this code works for a rev 9 remote for Sky+ HD]

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I used 0503 and it works.

Is a human control real?

Yes , it works like a sky remote