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You can have a person arrested for trespassing if they are on your land.

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Q: What can i do to keep a certain person out of my yard do i need a restraining order or what?
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Related questions

What legal paper do you get to keep people a certain distance away?

A restraining order, I think

How do you keep a person off your property that has made 4 attempts to kill your dog?

Get a restraining order

Can a person place a restraining order to keep a soon to be divorced wife from breaking into your home to take things?


What do you do if a scary guy with glasses keep on annyoing you?

Report him for stalking or a restraining order.

Can an individual file a restraining order against a judge?

not sure if you mean whether or not you can file a restraining order against any judge or a judge you are dealing with in a case. the latter may present some problems whereas the former may be considered a person like anyone else not immune from the application of a restraining order if necessary. To be clear, a restraining order order is a Court order against an individual, which prevents them from having any sort of contact with another individual. You need to have a legitimate reason why you are requesting the restraining order. There are different types of restraining orders but they are typically applied when an individual feels that they are being threatened, stalked, or abused by another so keep that in mind.

You and your spouse are separated. How can you keep them from re-entering the home.?

Request a restraining order or vacate order if appropriate.

How does a restraining order affect your record?

Effect somone HOW? As long as the orders provisions are followed and adhered to you should have no problem. All the ones I have been familiar with are quite clear in what you can and can't do ,and where you can and can't go, in the distance you must keep away from the individual, restrictions on contact, etc, etc)

Can you be married to a person if you have a restraining order against them for making threats against you and your loved ones in the past?

If you have a restraining order on someone, it is voided as soon as you let them near you. If you meant can you marry someone after you put the restraining order on them. Yes, that's up to you. A restraining order means no proximity or contact of any kind between you two. How would you marry him, unless the restraining order is lifted? A restraining order IS NOT automatically lifted when you allow the restrained person near you. I hate BAD legal advice!! Only a court can lift or remove the Order. It depends on the state issuing the restraining order. The state I live in if the person who obtains the order violates it themselves the order becomes null once the person who the order is against informs the court of the contact. Also, if the person has allowed the order themselves to be violated, by allowing contact from the restrained person, again the order becomes null once the court is contacted. What good is a restraining order in these cases? Just another way for the abuser to keep control; as I see it. It is entirely up to you to stay married to this person. From first hand experience, the order is not null and void. If the person holding the order decides to file charges, the other could get charged with Interfering with Judicial Proceedings. It does not matter if the contact was consented. The fact remains that an order by the court was not followed and therefore prosecutable. I found out the hard way. My N abuser filed an order to worm his way out of assault charges. What I thought was a positive step for a healthy relationship, going to counceling, was just his way of a payback for having him arrested when he hit me. The only way to protect the person whom the order is against is to go to court and have the judge lift said order.

Does one parent have the right to keep their address private from the other?

If their is a restraining order involved, yes

What is the difference between a Restraining Order and a Personal Protection Order?

A restraining order last for one year then you need to go back to the judge to get it re-issued and it cost money. A PPO or Personal Protection Order is given to you by a officer of the law who classifies you as being in harms way when either him or her is out of jail. They both do the same thing and are made to keep people a certain distance from you and they are not allowed to contact you in any way.

Can your ex boyfriend get a restraining order to keep you from calling your son?

Yes, but you can take him to court and fight for custody.

What can you do to get ex-boyfriend out of the house?

One way is to call the police, tell them he threatened you then get a restraining order against him. They will escort him off the premises. The restraining order will keep him from returning.