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The main point of low protein diets are to lower the amount of protein you take in while losing weight and feeling better. However, protein is not exactly something that you can just cut out of your daily diet without reaping harsh consequences. A good tip for low protein diets is to remember that your body still needs protein to function correctly. Take in just the right amount of protein to keep your body moving and working, but at the same time, don't eat protein in excess. For example, it wouldn't make much since to cook a huge breakfast of bacon, eggs and sausage on your diet. Keep these tips in mind when researching low protein diets.

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Where can I find out more about low protein diets?

You can find all the information you need about low protein diets including recipes and sample menus online at

What are all the high protein diets?

You can make your own high protein diet, include lots of fish, chicken, and eggs, red meat isn't as healthy for you. Some effective high protein diets are the South Beach diet and the Kashi diets.

Where can I find more information on high protein diets?

WebMD is a great resource for all things medical. Using this site will give you information about high protein diets, helping to determine if it is right for you.

Who Needs a High Protein Diet?

High protein diet plans have gone in and out of vogue and they do often present health risks in certain people and body types, however, they can be useful if incorporated into a healthy, full diet with all the vitamins and nutrients you need if you are looking to build muscle or add weight. Protein doesn't always need to come from meat. Many effective high protein diets use protein powders, peanut butter and other sources of protein. It's worth experimenting to find a high protein diet that you can be comfortable with for the best results.

What kind of foods would be considered healthy to various blood types?

While certain blood types may need to avoid some foods to maintain overall health and balance, all blood types benefit from diets rich in vegetables and lean protein.

Why is protein useful?

protein is useful because it help build up the body by helping the muscles. Basically proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22 different types of amino acid and the body needs all of them to function properly. and they help you grow.

Where can I find more information about low calorie diet?

There are many types of low calorie diets. Some work better than others. Some people recommend diets high in protein as you are less likely to feel hungry all the time.

Where can I find info on high protein diets online?

Are you trying to gain weight? High protein diets can help build muscle and keep the body strong. I highly recommend for all your high protein diet questions.

Why must all diets contain some protein?

so they can have a good body

What are examples of healthy?

Healthy diets are simply diets that contain all the basic food classes in the right proportion,such as protein,fats,carbohydrates,etc.Healthy diets are that will keep you in good health.Actually there are diets that when consumed,weight is gained and there are those when consumed,excess weight is lost,thereby keeping a healthy a shape.

What is a protein diet and what does it do?

A protein diet is one which concentrates on protein rather than carbohydrates and fats. High protein diets are often used for weight loss as they tend to burn more fat. A good diet should include all the food groups.

Why therapeutic diets are important?

Therapeutic diets are often based on normal diets because both therapeutic and normal diets both supply the person all the necessary vitamins and minerals and trace elements, protein, carbohydrate, sugars, and other things our bodies need to be healthy. Moderation and balance need to be considered.