

Best Answer

Adolescent depression is a disorder that occurs during the teenage years, and involves ongoing sadness, discouragement, loss of self-worth, and loss of interest in usual activities.

See also:

Alternative Names

Depression - adolescents; Teenage depression

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Depression can be a temporary response to many situations and stresses. In adolescents, depressed mood is common because of:

  • The normal process of maturing and the stress associated with it
  • The influence of sex hormones
  • Independence conflicts with parents

It may also be a reaction to a disturbing event, such as:

  • The death of a friend or relative
  • A breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • Failure at school

Adolescents who have low self-esteem, are highly self-critical, and who feel little sense of control over negative events are particularly at risk to become depressed when they experience stressful events.

Adolescent girls are twice as likely as boys to experience depression. A family history of depression makes children more likely to have depression.

Events or situations over which a child or adolescent feels little control can cause depression:

  • Bullying or harassment at school or somewhere else
  • Child abuse - both physical and sexual
  • Chronic illness
  • Learning disabilities
  • Poor social skills
  • Stressful life events, particularly the loss of a parent to death or divorce
  • Unstable caregiving

Many adolescents with depression may also have:


Overall, depression can change or distort the way adolescents see themselves and their lives, as well as the people around them. Adolescents with depression usually see everything more negatively, and are unable to imagine that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way.

Some or all of these symptoms of depression may be present:

  • Agitation, restlessness, and irritability
  • Appetite changes (usually a loss of appetite but sometimes an increase)
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Episodes of memory loss
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, sadness, or self-hatred
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once fun
  • Thinking or talking about suicide or death
  • Trouble sleeping, excessive sleeping, or daytime sleepiness

Sometimes there may be changes in behavior or new problems at home or at school when there are no signs or symptoms of depression or sadness:

  • Acting-out behaviors (missing curfews, unusual defiance)
  • Criminal behavior (such as shoplifting)
  • Faltering school performance, grades dropping
  • Highly irresponsible behavior pattern
  • Use of alcohol or other illegal substances
  • Withdrawal from family and friends, spending more time alone

If these symptoms last for at least 2 weeks and cause significant distress or difficulty functioning, get treatment.

Signs and tests

True depression in teens is often difficult to diagnose, because normal adolescents have both up and down moods. These moods may alternate over a period of hours or days.

Sometimes when they are asked directly, children or adolescents will say that they aren't happy or sad. Health care providers should always ask children or adolescents about symptoms of depression.

They will perform a physical examination and order blood tests to rule out medical causes for the symptoms. The doctor will also evaluate for signs of substance abuse. Heavy drinking, frequent marijuana (pot) smoking, and other drug use can be caused by, or occur because of depression.

A psychiatric evaluation will also be done to document the teen's history of sadness, irritability, and loss of interest and pleasure in normal activities. The doctor will look for signs of other psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, mania, or schizophrenia. A careful assessement will help determine the risks of suicide or homicide -- that is, whether the teen is a danger to him or herself or others.

Information from family members or school personnel can often help identify depression in teenagers.


Treatment options for adolescents with depression include supportive care from a medical provider, talk therapy, and possibly antidepressant medications. It is important that treatment be tailored to the adolescent and the severity of his or her symptoms. Families often participate in the treatment of adolescent depression.


The first medication tried is usually a type of antidepressant called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). Fluoxetine (Prozac) and escitalopram (Lexapro) are the only ones FDA-approved for treating major depression in adolescents (ages 12 - 17). Fluoxetine is also approved for children age 8 and older.

NOTE: SSRIs and other antidepressants carry a warning that they may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions in children and adolescents. Other evidence about these drugs has not showed that antidepressants increase suicide risk in children.

Doctors are still prescribing SSRIs and other antidepressant medications to adolescents with depression. Several important facts about taking any antidepressants include:

  • Children and adolescents who take medications should be followed by a doctor for side effects. Parents or caregivers should promptly seek medical advice if they notice suicidal thoughts or behaviors, nervousness, agitation, irritability, moodiness, or sleeplessness that is getting worse.
  • Do not abruptly stop taking these medications. This may cause symptoms to return. Families should talk with their doctor before stopping medications.

Not all antidepressants are approved for use in children and teens. For example, tricyclics are not approved for use in teens.


Almost all adolescents with depression benefit from some type of talk therapy. They should understand that talk therapy is a good place to talk about their feelings and concerns, and most importantly, to learn ways to deal with them.

Types of talk therapy include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches depressed people ways of fighting negative thoughts. An adolescent with depression can learn to be more aware of his or her symptoms, detect what seems to make depression worse, and learn problem-solving skills.
  • Family therapy may be helpful if family conflict is contributing to the depression. Support from family or teachers may also be needed to help with school problems.
  • Psychotherapy can help adolescents understand issues that may be causing their behavior, thoughts, or feelings.
  • Joining a support group of people who are experiencing problems like yours can also help. Ask your therapist or doctor for recommendations.

Occasionally, people with severe depression, or those who are suicide risks may need to be hospitalized in a psychiatric unit.

Important knowledge, skills, and lifestyle changes for adolescents to learn include:

  • Take medications correctly and learn how to manage their side effects.
  • Learn to watch for early signs that depression is getting worse, and know how to react when it happens.
  • Try to exercise more and seek out other activities that you enjoy.
  • Avoid alcohol, narcotics (whether or not they have been prescribed), and other illegal drugs. Understand that these substances affect the brain and make the depression worse over time, and they may also impair your judgement about suicide.
  • When you are struggling, talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. Try to be around people who are caring and positive.

See also: Electroconvulsive therapy

Expectations (prognosis)

Depressive episodes usually respond to treatment. Early and appropriate treatment of depression in adolescence may prevent further episodes. However, about half of seriously depressed teens are likely to have continued problems with depression as adults.

  • Drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse
  • Effects on school performance and interpersonal relationships
  • Other psychiatric problems, such as anxiety disorders
  • Teenage suicide
  • Violence and reckless behavior

Adolescents with additional psychiatric problems usually require longer and more intensive treatment.

Calling your health care provider

There are numbers you can call from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-999-9999.

Call your health care provider right away if you notice one or more of these suicide warning signs:

  • Giving most cherished possessions to others
  • Personality change
  • Risk taking behavior
  • Threat of suicide or plans to hurt yourself
  • Withdrawal, urge to be alone, isolation

See: Suicide and suicidal behavior for more information

Call your health care provider if you notice:

  • Depression that is not improving or is gradually getting worse
  • Nervousness, agitation, irritability, moodiness, or sleeplessness that is new or getting worse
  • Side effects of medications



Periods of depressed mood are common in most adolescents. However, supportive relationships and healthy coping skills can help prevent these periods from leading to more severe depressive symptoms. Open communication with your teen can help identify depression earlier.

Make sure teens get professional help to deal with periods of low mood. Early identification and prompt and appropriate treatment of depression may prevent or postpone further episodes.

In homes with adolescents:

  • Do not keep alcohol in the home or keep it securely locked
  • Lock all guns and keep ammunition separately
  • Secure all prescription medications

US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening and treatment for major depressive disorder in children and adolescents: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. Pediatrics. 2009;123:1223-1228.

Zuckerbrot RA, Cheung AH, Jenson PS, Stein REK. Identification, assessment, and initial management guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care. Pediatrics. 2007;120:e1299-e1312.

Cheung AH, Zuckerbrot RA, Jenson PS, Ghalib K. Treatment and ongoing management guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care. Pediatrics. 2007;120:e1313-e1326.

Bostic JQ, Prince JB. Child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. In: Stern TA, Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Biederman J, Rauch SL, eds. Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier;2008:chap 69.

Antidepressant Medications for Children and Adolescents: Information for Parents and Caregivers. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). January 13, 2010. Accessed January 13, 2010.

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1mo ago

Adolescent depression is a serious mental health condition characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities, feelings of worthlessness, and changes in sleep and appetite. It can significantly impact academic performance, social relationships, and overall well-being. Early identification and intervention, such as therapy and support from family and mental health professionals, are crucial in effectively managing adolescent depression.

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12y ago

Adolescent depression is a disorder that affects teenagers. It leads to sadness, discouragement, and a loss of self-worth and interest in their usual activities.

See also:

Alternative Names

Depression - adolescents; Teenage depression

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Depression can be a response to many situations and stresses. In teenagers, depressed mood is common because of:

  • The normal process of maturing and the stress that occurs with it
  • The influence of sex hormones
  • Independence conflicts with parents

It may also be a reaction to a disturbing event, such as:

  • The death of a friend or relative
  • A breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend
  • Failure at school

Teens who are most likely to become depressed when they experience stressful events:

  • Have low self-esteem
  • Are very critical of themselves
  • Feel little control over negative events

Adolescent girls are twice as likely as boys to experience depression. A family history of depression also puts teenagers at greater risk.

The following events or situations can cause depression:

  • Bullying or harassment at school or somewhere else
  • Child abuse - both physical and sexual
  • Lack of social skills
  • Learning disabilities
  • Long-term illness
  • Poor parenting or caregiving
  • Stressful life events, such as the loss of a parent to death or divorce

Many adolescents with depression may also have:


Depression can change the way teenagers see themselves, their lives, and the people around them. Teenagers who are depressed usually see everything more negatively. They can't imagine that any problem or situation can be solved in a positive way.

Some or all of these symptoms of depression may be present:

  • Appetite changes (usually a loss of appetite but sometimes an increase)
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Episodes of memory loss
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling upset, restless, and irritable
  • Feeling worthless, hopeless, sad, or self-hatred
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once fun
  • Thinking or talking about suicide or death
  • Trouble sleeping, too much sleeping, or daytime sleepiness

Sometimes a person's behavior may change, or there may be problems at home or school without any symptoms of depression:

  • Acting-out behaviors (missing curfews, unusual defiance)
  • Criminal behavior (such as shoplifting)
  • Irresponsible behavior
  • Poor school performance, grades dropping
  • Pulling away from family and friends, spending more time alone
  • Use of alcohol or other illegal substances

If these symptoms last for at least 2 weeks and affect your mood or ability to function, get treatment.

Suicide is a risk for all teenagers with depression. See: Suicide and suicidal behavior for more information on how to recognize and treat suicidal feelings.

Signs and tests

True depression in teens is often difficult to diagnose, because normal teenagers have up and down moods. These moods may go back and forth over a period of hours or days.

Sometimes when children or adolescents are asked, they will say that they aren't happy or sad. Health care providers should always ask children or adolescents about symptoms of depression.

The health care provider will perform a physical examination and order blood tests to rule out medical causes for the symptoms. The doctor will also check for signs of substance abuse. The following can cause, or occur because of depression:

  • Heavy drinking
  • Regular marijuana (pot) smoking
  • Other drug use

The health care provider will also check:

  • The patient's history of sadness, irritability, and loss of interest and pleasure in normal activities
  • Signs of other mental health problems, such as anxiety, mania, or schizophrenia
  • Risks of suicide or homicide -- whether the teen is a danger to him or herself or others

Information from family members or teachers can often help identify depression in teenagers.


Treatment options for adolescents with depression include:

  • Supportive care from a medical provider
  • Talk therapy
  • Antidepressant medications (possibly)

Treatment should be tailored to the teenager, and the symptoms. Families often help in treating adolescent depression.


The first medication tried is usually a type of antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Fluoxetine (Prozac) and escitalopram (Lexapro) are the only SSRIs approved for treating major depression in adolescents (ages 12 - 17). Fluoxetine is also approved for children age 8 and older.

NOTE: SSRIs and other antidepressants carry a warning that they may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and actions in children and adolescents. Other evidence has not showed that these drugs increase suicide risk in children.

Doctors are still prescribing SSRIs and other antidepressant medications to adolescents with depression. Several important facts about taking any antidepressants include:

  • Children and adolescents who take medications should be followed by a doctor for side effects. Parents or caregivers should watch for suicidal thoughts or behaviors, nervousness, irritability, moodiness, or sleeplessness that is getting worse. Get medical help for these symptoms right away.
  • Do not stop taking medications without talking to your health care provider first.

Not all antidepressants are approved for use in children and teens. For example, tricyclic antidepressants are not approved for use in teens.


Almost all adolescents with depression benefit from some type of talk therapy. Talk therapy is a good place to talk about their feelings and concerns, and to learn ways to deal with them.

Types of talk therapy include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches depressed people ways of fighting negative thoughts. It makes people more aware of their symptoms, helps them learn what makes their depression worse, and teaches them problem-solving skills.
  • Family therapy may be helpful if family conflict is contributing to the depression. Support from family or teachers may help with school problems.
  • Talk therapy (psychotherapy) can help adolescents understand issues that may be causing their behavior, thoughts, or feelings.
  • Joining a support group of people who are experiencing problems like yours can also help. Ask your therapist or doctor for recommendations.

Sometimes people with severe depression, or those who are suicide risks may need to stay in the hospital for treatment.

Adolescents with depression should learn to:

  • Take medications correctly and manage their side effects
  • Watch for early signs that depression is getting worse, and react when it happens
  • Exercise more and seek out other activities that they enjoy
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs (whether or not they have been prescribed). These substances affect the brain and make the depression worse over time. They may also affect judgment about suicide.
  • When you are struggling, talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. Try to be around people who are caring and positive.
Expectations (prognosis)

Depression usually responds to treatment. Getting the right treatment as early as possible may prevent further episodes. However, about half of very depressed teens will keep having problems with depression as adults.

  • Drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse
  • Effects on school performance and relationships
  • Other mental health problems, such as anxiety disorders
  • Teenage suicide
  • Violence and reckless behavior

Adolescents with other mental health problems usually need longer and more intensive treatment.

Calling your health care provider

There are numbers you can call from anywhere in the United States, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-999-9999.

Call your health care provider right away if you notice one or more of these suicide warning signs:

  • Giving possessions to others
  • Personality change
  • Risk taking behavior
  • Threat of suicide or plans to hurt yourself
  • Withdrawal, urge to be alone, isolation

See: Suicide and suicidal behavior for more information

Call your health care provider if you notice:

  • Depression that is not improving or is getting worse
  • Nervousness, irritability, moodiness, or sleeplessness that is new or getting worse
  • Side effects of medications



Most teenagers feel down sometimes. Having support and good coping skills can help prevent these periods of sadness from leading to more severe depression. Talking openly with your teen can help identify depression early.

Make sure your teen gets professional help to deal with periods of low mood. Identifying and treating depression early may prevent or delay episodes.

In homes with adolescents:

  • Do not keep alcohol in the home or keep it securely locked
  • Lock all guns and keep ammunition separate
  • Lock up all prescription medications

US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening and treatment for major depressive disorder in children and adolescents: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. Pediatrics. 2009;123:1223-1228.

Zuckerbrot RA, Cheung AH, Jenson PS, Stein REK. Identification, assessment, and initial management guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care. Pediatrics. 2007;120:e1299-e1312.

Cheung AH, Zuckerbrot RA, Jenson PS, Ghalib K. Treatment and ongoing management guidelines for adolescent depression in primary care. Pediatrics. 2007;120:e1313-e1326.

Bostic JQ, Prince JB. Child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. In: Stern TA, Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Biederman J, Rauch SL, eds. Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier;2008:chap 69.

Antidepressant Medications for Children and Adolescents: Information for Parents and Caregivers. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). January 13, 2010. Accessed January 13, 2010.

Reviewed By

Review Date: 03/29/2011

Fred K. Berger, MD, Addiction and Forensic Psychiatrist, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, California. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

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12y ago

Teenagers are typically moody. They can go from upbeat to moping in a matter of seconds. It's normal for teens to feel sad from time to time, but when that sadness sticks around day after day, it could be depression. Let's talk about adolescent depression.

Teens have a lot of pressures in their lives that can lead to depression. They're growing physically, and dealing with a new surge of hormones. They're fighting for more independence from their parents while trying to figure out their place in the world. Some kids are bullied at school or abused at home. Others are faced with major life changes, like their parents' divorce or the loss of a loved one.

Kids who are very critical of themselves or who have low self-esteem are more likely to get depressed. Those with learning disorders, ADHD, or anxiety are also more prone to depression.

So, how do you know that your teen is depressed? Look for signs like: irritability, fatigue, trouble eating, sleeping, or concentrating, teens who are depressed may start using drugs or alcohol, their attitude changes... once good kids may start misbehaving, missing curfews and acting up to their parents and teachers. Also, their grades may drop and they may spend more time alone in their room.

If these symptoms go on for at least two weeks, have your teen seen by a doctor. When left untreated, depression can increase the risk for suicide.

Start with a visit to your family doctor, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist. The doctor will tailor treatment to your teen.

Often treatment includes medicine, usually a type of antidepressant called a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI. Examples are Prozac and Lexapro. Adolescents who are on these drugs need to be watched very carefully for side effects, like nervousness, irritability, and suicidal thoughts or actions.

Most teens with depression feel better if they talk to someone. Meeting with a therapist can help them identify the negative thoughts that are causing their depression, and turn those thoughts around. Teens may meet with a therapist alone, with their family, or as part of a support group.

Depression can affect every aspect of your teen's life, from school to relationships. Teens who are depressed are more likely to start using drugs or alcohol.

Antidepressants and talk therapy can be very good at relieving depression. So if you suspect your teen is depressed, talk about it, and ask for help from a doctor or therapist you trust.

Most important, call for help right away if you're afraid your teen might be thinking about suicide. Signs include giving away possessions, talking about hurting themselves, and pulling away from family and friends. Any suicidal thoughts need immediate medical attention.

Reviewed By

Review Date: 10/25/2011

Alan Greene, MD, Author and Practicing Pediatrician; also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.

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The Great Depression

Is Depression capitalized?

Depression is capitalized in phrases such as The Great Depression, but the medical condition and the scientific are not.

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