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Avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome is something that can be done, but it takes careful planning. Throughout the day, people who perform repetitive motions will have to be conscious of the fact that they have to do certain exercises and take frequent breaks if they are to avoid injury to the carpal tunnel area. Otherwise, they may be subject to a workplace injury that will keep them from doing their jobs.

The first thing that people can do to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome is to perform a few exercises before beginning their duties. For the hands, this could be as simple as shaking them before starting work. It will be necessary to take frequent breaks throughout the day; the exercises will need to be repeated before resuming work each time a break ends.

If people sit long hours throughout the day, they will need to be aware of their posture. Good posture is important to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Workers do not want to be hunched over their computers or other machines while they are working, because they need their hands to be in a straight line. If the hands are higher or lower than a thirty degree angle, then the carpal tunnel area has the potential to become squeezed. This is how injuries begin. To avoid this, the hands should be in as straight a line as possible such as when typing at a keyboard.

Sitting for long hours is not recommended if someone wants to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, but with good posture, it can be prevented. People need to make sure that their feet are planted firmly on the ground with their knees bent at a forty-five degree angle with their backs straight. This will keep the body from scrunching into a position that will squeeze the carpal tunnel area in the hands.

Also because sitting for long hours is not good for the body, people will need to take a break every hour, as was mentioned above. During these breaks, people will need to stand up and perform, not just exercises for the hands that are executing repetitive motions, but for the entire body. Stretching exercises will help people avoid carpal tunnel syndrome when they take frequent breaks.

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A splint may be worn for about a month to help keep the wrist in a neutral position. This may be followed by exercises to both stretch and strengthen the hand, fingers, and wrist.

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The carpal nerve runs from your forearm across your wrist and into your palm thru a narrow tunnel. Repetitive motion inflames the tunnel and irritates the nerve. Keep your hand cocked up to treat the syndrome and it may very well resolve itself. Ofcourse, stop the repetitive motion that caused it.

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no it dosent as long as you keep your hands in the right postion it should not affect you i know this because i play the piano and it does not affect me

What is the first line of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

The injection of a corticosteroidal medication into the affected wrist. Then a restriction on any movement for several days, with the wearing of a wrist splint for about one month and hand and wrist exercises.

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The National Institute of Health and Mayo Clinic state that while ergonomic devices may help to alleviate some of the pain associated with carpal tunnel, the devices will not necessarily prevent a reoccurrence. Other measures to relieve the pain are wearing a wrist splint at night to keep the wrist in a neutral position, frequent breaks from computer work, and stretching will also decrease the pain.

After carpal tunnel surgery do you need to wear a wrist splint?

Yes, after the operation is performed you will have a splint put on in the operating room. You should keep this on for a few days at least, then if you feel ok, you can take it off and wear a removable brace.

Can you wear a support bandage at night?

If you are talking about an elastic or "Ace" wrap or tensor bandage, I would say NO. These type of things will constrict flow and cause swelling distal to or on the other side of the bandage. So you will get increased swelling at your hand and fingers and for carpal tunnel this will aggravate your condition. For carpal tunnel syndrome or other conditions in where you want to keep the wrist in a neutral position, you need to wear a night splint made especially for this purpose. Pil-o-splints are probably the best overall for this type of thing.

How to Avoid Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Hi, There are no exercises which cause carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS is caused by an inflammation in the carpal tunnel ( which is made up of the carpal bones in the hand and the flexor retinaculum (a ligament) ). The inflammation can be caused by a number of things, eg. artheritis of the carpal bones, tendonitis or any condition that causes oedema for example, pregnancy. Some of these things will go away on there own, but some may require medical intervention. There are exercises which will induce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is anything that puts pressure on the carpal tunnel for example when you have your hands bent downwards towards your wrists. But this is not the pathological cause of the syndrome Hope this helps Hi, There are no exercises which cause carpal tunnel syndrome. CTS is caused by an inflammation in the carpal tunnel ( which is made up of the carpal bones in the hand and the flexor retinaculum (a ligament) ). The inflammation can be caused by a number of things, eg. artheritis of the carpal bones, tendonitis or any condition that causes oedema for example, pregnancy. Some of these things will go away on there own, but some may require medical intervention. There are exercises which will induce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is anything that puts pressure on the carpal tunnel for example when you have your hands bent downwards towards your wrists. But this is not the pathological cause of the syndrome Hope this helps

When can you drive after carpal tunnel surgery?

The next day but you have to take care not to put too much pressure on the hand for a while. You must keep in mind also that in case of accident you may end up having trouble with your insurance . So you had better consult them as well.

What is carpotarnal syndrome?

The dictionary definition for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is: Pressure on the median nerve -- the nerve in the wrist that supplies feeling and movement to parts of the hand. In other words, it means if you do something repetitively that involved putting pressure on your wrists such a typing on a keyboard, writing, or even masturbation it can lead to putting too much pressure on the nerve and causing yourself pain, numbness, or tingling. Carpal Tunnel can be cured by wearing a cast first at night and if that doesn't heal it then during the day as well. It also requires you to reduce the repetitive motion that caused it and to potentially take medications. Remember in typing classes when the teacher told you to keep your wrists off the computer? This is why. But don't worry. It's not permanent. Carpal Tunnel pain only lasts for on average a few weeks.

What do I need to expect after carpal tunnel surgery?

Recovering from carpal tunnel surgery isn�t easy. After all, you had the surgery because you use your hands a lot. The first step to post-surgery success is to have someone drive you home. Once you�re home, stay away from the computer for at least 4 weeks. If you need to use the computer, have someone else use the mouse and do the typing � you can dictate. Other important tips include to keep your hand elevated as much as possible and to move your fingers gently every day.

What exercises can prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?

The most effective way to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome is to take frequent breaks from repetitive movement such as computer keyboard usage. Free software programs such as Workrave and Xwrits are available to remind users to take breaks and stretch their wrists1. **************************************************************** Preventing carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) that is from work exposure...repetitive use etc..does include frequent breaks.Also there are specific carpal tunnel exercises that can be done to help prevent symptoms in some cases.Physical therapist also have developed things like tendon and nerve glide type exercises that will help. The other important aspect of preventing CTS,is that you first need to determine what is causing or aggravating your CTS.You can take all the breaks in the world,but if your case of CTS is caused by diabetes,hypothyroidism won't help much,and you may be missing something that needs medical attention. Answer: The thing that helps me the most with my carpal tunnel and keeping it from coming back is to wear a wrist brace while I'm working on the computer or doing other such activities. I found mine at == ==