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Audio copyright laws are some of the most interesting in the world of general copyright law because there are some things about them that are different when compared to other types of law. First off, it is illegal to steal a song or audio production -- a short story or novel, for instance, that has been read and recorded -- and claim it as your own. It is likewise illegal to distribute it for money. When you really get down to the simplest form, these laws work in the same way as art copyright laws in that they protect the creator of the work.

One difference is that songs can be sampled. This is when a person takes only fifteen seconds of the song and uses it for some purpose. This has even been used in the music world to create more music. People will take fifteen seconds of many different songs and splice them all together to make one new song. This is completely legal under the current system. These new songs that have been created can even be sold for a profit by the person who did the mixing with his or her computer.

Another difference is that audio work will often be connected to other patents. For instance, a production of a football game is copyrighted by the NFL. They will have a patent on the audio and video coverage. The two are not separate from each other in that you cannot steal one and not the other. This makes things interesting because an audio copyright may not even be needed in some cases. The general television or film and video copyright will suffice to protect the entire work from those who would like to take it and use it illegally.

In order to set up an audio copyright, you just have to submit the correct paperwork to the United States Copyright Office. They will then handle it as they have time; they also have to deal with copyrights for inventions, other forms of art, and everything else that is being created daily in the United States. Once you have submitted the information and started the project, however, you can rest easy knowing that your audio work is safe. You will be given the patent first as long as you submitted it first; no one can steal your audio work even before the audio copyright goes through the system.

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