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Part of the feminist revolution of the 1960’s had a lot to do with the new invention and use of Birth Control so that women could control whether or not they wanted to become mothers. Before, it was all up to the man in the relationship, with the rise of the pill, suddenly women were able to have a say in the whole process. Since then, the entire subject has come a long way, making huge strides in safety and technology so that women could use the various products with confidence. Family sizes decreased and it was just in time for the economic recession that would happen in the 1980’s. Birth control became singlehandedly responsible for helping women attend college and start careers for themselves because they were not tied down by families and marriages.

Today the choices for the types of birth control are numerous. There is the classic pill but there is also the shot which a woman can get once every three months that prevents them from having to worry about getting pregnant. There is also the ring which is inserted directly in the vaginal cavity for the duration of the month. The ring delivers hormones to a woman’s reproductive area so that ovulation does not occur. There is also the diaphragm which is a little less effective, but is hormone free and so it is safe for every woman to use. Another option that lasts quite a bit longer than the others is the IUD which is inserted directly into a woman’s uterus and is effective for up to seven years. A woman has the ability to choose which option will be right for them depending on their preference.

A woman is strongly encouraged to have many, frequent conversations with her gynecologist regarding the use of birth control. She should also get yearly check-ups so that a professional can check for breast and Cervical cancer. When a woman is able to keep up her reproductive health, she will be better off overall. A woman should always stay in contact with her doctor regarding the use of birth control so that it can be used as a safe method to prevent pregnancy.

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