

Buying a Heat Pump

Updated: 11/10/2020
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13y ago

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A heat pump is essentially an air conditioner that can provide both warm and cool air to our homes. They are an especially popular option right now for homeowners due to the many rebates and Energy Star tax credits that are available to them. However, for many consumers, that initial research leads to a vast array of heat pump prices and options that overwhelms them.

Simply put, a heat pump extracts heat from the air or ground outside your home and transfers that heat into the house. Under the right conditions, a heat pump performs this process substantially less expensive than either a gas or an oil furnace. The first step then is to consult with an HVAC professional to determine if you meet those conditions or if it is financially feasible to meet them. In this case, the long-term savings available to you can put current heat pump prices in a different light. If you are paying an HVAC installer to install your heat pump, they will often include these services as part of the installation.

Once the homeowner has determined that a heat pump is the right choice, they must determine what size they require. Understand that if you save money by purchasing an undersized heat pump, then you will pay additional energy costs due to the inefficient operation of the pump. When you speak to the HVAC tech, have them calculate your house’s heating load in order to determine what size heat pump you require. The rule of thumb is you want a heat pump that must run continuously in order to heat the home.

Efficient heat pumps earn you a tax credit, and they provide long-term cost-saving benefits. In order to understand efficiency, the customer must be aware of SEER and HSPF. SEER is a measure of the heat pump’s cooling efficiency while HSPF is a measure of its heating proficiency. Many heat pumps achieve a balance between the two, but this may not be the best device for you. If you live in a cold climate, then a heat pump with a higher HSPF rating may serve you better. Likewise, if you live in a warm climate, you may not need a particularly efficient cooling heat pump.

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What specifically is a heat pump?

A heat pump is somethign that heats water. It can be used to heat your water at home with your shower or you can have a heat pump to heat your pool at home or work

What kind of thermostat do you buy if you have a heat pump?

A heat pump thermostat.

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Why is a heat pump is able to produce cooler temperatures?

A heat pump pumps heat in the direction you want it to.

Who invented the heat pump?

Jose Vallejo invented the Geothermal Heat pump

Is there a difference between geothermal heat pump and traditional heat pump?

A geothermal heat pump and a traditional heat pump are different. A geothermal heat pump uses the earth's temperature for heating and cooling while a traditional heat pump uses the outside air or water. Geothermal heat pumps are more energy-efficient and eco-friendly. If you're looking for heat pump installation in Castle Rock, Colorado, contact Colorado Bear Heating & Air at (720) 402-4242. They can help you choose the best option for your needs.

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the heat pump is cheaper but the pump does not work as well when its below 40 out side thats when you want to run heat strip

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Emergency Heat [EM] should only be used as a backup if the heat pump fails. EM heat uses 1.5 to 3 times as much or electricity as the heat pump.

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Jose Vallejo invented the Geothermal Heat pump

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Heat Engine is the system that converts the Heat energy into mechanical work while Heat pump converts the work into heat

What are the basics that I need to know before purchasing a new heat pump?

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