

Careers in Biology

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12y ago

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There is an immense amount of diversity when it comes to careers in Biology. Not only can a biologist work in a laboratory or office setting, but they can also be off traveling the world to perform vital field studies or help enhance the conservation framework of developing countries. While the road to becoming a full-fledged professional biologist is a long and arduous one, the rewards are definitely there for the person that has the ability to stick it out until the end.

When you're deciding on the direction you should take in your biology career, the most important thing you can do is to decide on the specific field of biology you want to work in. Many people make the false assumption that biology is a very static field of work that doesn't have a whole lot of variation. The reality is that there are a number of different directions that you can take your biology career, making careers in biology some of the most diverse you'll find anywhere. One direction will have you sleeping in a tent, surrounded by old growth forest during a field study in a remote forest; the other will have you working in a lab 40 hours a week. Both are vital, and both attract different types of people.

For example, becoming a field biologist is one of the most popular careers in biology-- until people actually spend a season in the field. Very few people can actually withstand the rigors of data collection in the field while being bombarded by insects, and while dealing with the rain and the cold. Many people tend to move toward becoming biology professors or toward working in laboratories to analyze data recovered during field expeditions. While they are all important jobs, they absolutely attract different types of personalities.

As you can see, there are many paths to take when you are interested in careers in biology. The specific path you take is dictated mostly by your personal interests, however there is definitely a "personality" aspect to it as well. With time, you'll easily figure out which careers in biology are best suited to you.

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