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Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR is a first aid procedure done to those that are unconscious and do not appear to be breathing or have a heartbeat. It's main purpose is to keep oxygen and blood flowing throughout the body, and most important to the brain. This can avoid permanent brain damage by providing the brain what it needs until other medical attention arrives. There are different types of CPR training depending on if the victim is an infant, child or adult.

Often times when someone sees another person in trouble they would like to help but are unsure what step to take. They are scared that they might cause harm. Having CPR training gives an individual actionable steps to take that can easily be remembered when needed. This helps to overcome the fear involved and allows the person to do what is needed.

Anyone would benefit from having CPR training, but there are some people for whom it is definitely required. In addition to medical professionals, anyone encountering people who are medically fragile should be aware of CPR techniques. Teachers and child care workers who are responsible for the care of children would also benefit. Parents should have knowledge of CPR since they will likely be the only ones around if an accident occurs at home.

There are many places that CPR training can be provided. The American Red Cross offers classes throughout the country. Also, many jobs will provide training for its employers if they feel that it will be required. This can allow for it to be taken at little or no cost.

CPR training consists of several different activities. The class should have a lecture component along with a practical one where skills can be practiced on mannequins. Discussion of what CPR is, what situations it should or should not be used in and what steps to take will all be included in a proper training. For trainings taking place for a specific environment, scenarios that are likely to occur should be discussed also. In addition, general examples of every day situations should be talked about along with what can be done to assist.

Regardless of what job an individual has, they may encounter someone in distress. CPR training allows this person to overcome fear and do what needs to be done to help save a life. Knowing the steps well will also give a person the ability to take charge and avoid confusion in what can be a scary situation.

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Q: CPR Training to Overcome Fear
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CPR training, per se, doesn't contribute to any injuries. If for example you have a dislocated or broken shoulder and tried to do CPR training, it may make the injury worse.

What do you need to give CPR?

You will only need training to do CPR properly.

When can I take an online CPR training course?

You can take CPR online, whenever the course is available. The schedule for online CPR training courses varies from website to website.

Where can I get the best CPR training?

Check your local fire station for CPR training. They should be able to provide you one or at least information on where to go to avail of the training. If you have local Red Cross office in your area, that is another best place to check for CPR training.

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Do teachers need to take association cpr training from the Red Cross?

It is not always necessary to have cpr training. This depends on the requirements of your state as well as your specific school. That being said, anytime you are working with children, CPR training is not a bad idea.

Where would I take a cpr class in Detroit, MI?

A company called Detroit CPR Training offers classes in cpr.

Where can I receive training in association cpr classes?

The best way to find out about CPR training in your area is checking out local gyms and organizations in your community. Almost all cities have certified CPR classes.