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Q: Describe the four sources of evidence upon which Darwin based his ideas on common descent?
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What were the sources of evidence Darwin used for his theory of evolution?

the three sources of information Charles Darwin used to come up with his theory are: farmers and animal breeders, geologists, and the work of thomas malthus

Darwin and theory of common descent states that all organisms?

Darwin's theory of common descent states that all organisms _____.

What three word phrase summarizes Darwin?

descent with modification

Who said you evolved from apes?

darwin This was in his work 'The Descent of Man.'

What three word phrase summarizes Darwin's mechanism of evolution?

Darwin used the phrase "descent with modification" (he didn't use the term "evolution")

What patterns does biological classification represent?

descent. Darwin was of the first to suggest this.

What is the definition of Darwin's principal descent with modification?

two special share

What phrase did Darwin use instead of evolution?

Descent with modification. Or. Transubstantiation.

How did Darwin explain the patterns of distribution of plants and animals?

He explained them in terms of descent with modification, common descent and natural selection.

Do you find the evidence Darwin presents convincing?

evidences against Darwin

What was Darwin's evidence for evolution?


What is the name of the theory that Darwin developed after traveling on the HMS Beagle?

The theory that Darwin developed after traveling on the HMS Beagle is known as the theory of evolution by natural selection. It proposes that species evolve over time through processes such as natural selection, where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.