

Do It Yourself Oil Change

Updated: 9/27/2023
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10y ago

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The continually declining trend in the global economy has sent people scrambling to find new and creative ways to save money like never before. One simple way to keep a few extra dollars in your pocket is to change the oil in your car at home rather than taking it to an expensive mechanic or quick lube shop. Keeping your vehicle properly maintained will also help to improve gas mileage and reduce harmful emissions, both of which have a positive impact on the environment. Listed below are a few simple instructions to help guide you through a basic oil change.

The first step to changing your own oil is to make sure you have all of the proper materials to get the job done. You will need an open ended wrench or ratchet, a clean rag, fresh oil (amount will depend upon the type of vehicle you drive – please consult your owner’s manual for proper volume), a new oil filter, an oil filter wrench, a funnel and a container to catch and properly dispose of the used oil. All of these items can be obtained from your local auto parts store or mega-mart if you do not have them on hand already.

Once you are prepared with all of the necessary tools for the job, the next step will be to drain the dirty oil from the vehicle. Be sure to wait until the car is cool before draining the dirty oil; the oil from a hot engine can be very dangerous. Place the empty oil container underneath the oil pan and remove the oil plug to drain the dirty oil. Once drained, tighten the oil plug back into the pan. Next, you will need to remove the old oil filter from the engine, but be careful as it is filled with oil and can create a nasty spill. Lubricate the new filter with fresh oil, fill it 2/3 with fresh oil, and install it on the engine. Tighten the new filter by hand only; over tightening with an oil filter wrench can strip the threads and cause a leak. Lastly, fill the engine with fresh oil until you have reached the proper level as indicated by checking the dipstick. Be sure to replace the oil cap when you are done to prevent oil sprays which could cause a fire.

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Once upon a time in America at four corner intersections across the land, you would find full service gas stations on every corner. Ask your parents or grandparents and they’ll spin tales of “gas wars” and “service wars” where competing stations undercut each other with a spiral of price cutting. This sounds like a fairy tale to the young among us but it was true.

The change in the business model for oil refiners has led to a proliferation of “mini-marts” dotting the landscape and a scarcity of places to go for basic automotive services. Awhile back entrepreneurs entered the picture with “one-stop” oil change centers, such as Jiffy-Lube. Over time these centers began to bundle more and more services into their plans and prices went up accordingly. Today, the only real bargains in oil change service are those occasional deeply discounted offerings, which serve as loss leaders for the business. You may see an ad for an oil change for only $19.95 but when your car is done you’ll very often get a list of “must do” additional service needs for your vehicle.

“Alley mechanics” have been changing their own oil for decades, but why hasn’t “do it yourself” oil change caught on with more automobile owners? Many who can rewire an electrical outlet and replace a Plumbing drain shy away from working on their own cars. Perhaps it’s because it can be a dirty job or because many fear crawling under a heavy vehicle. But it’s a pretty simple operation and if you’d like to save a few dollars and be able to change your oil more often, it’s worth a try.

The only special tool you’ll need is an oil filter wrench, to remove the oil filter. Although you can get one at an Auto Parts store you might want to check with friends and neighbors and borrow one in case you ultimately decide do it yourself oil change is not for you. First you must get the car up in the air. Never, ever, rely strictly on an old fashioned bumper jack. Most modern jacks are scissor style which affix to the car’s chassis rather than the bumper, but even with these it is advisable to support your car with blocks. Cinder blocks work just fine. Auto parts centers also sell ramps which are 100% safe. Simply place a ramp under each front wheel and drive the car up onto them. They can be pricey so don’t invest in a pair until you’re sure this is a task you are willing to do again and again. The oil pan is directly under the engine and a standard socket wrench is all you need to remove the easy to see plug. You’ll need some kind of drain pan to collect the oil. Many simply allow the plug to drop right into the draining oil and later retrieve it and check the gasket around the plug. Some replace the plug with every other oil change. A large funnel makes it easy to transfer the oil into empty containers like plastic milk jugs for disposal. You can drop the jugs off at a local oil change center for recycling, a free service. Do not throw the jugs into your trash cans! You’ll need to mount and tighten a new oil filter – parts stores have spec books which tell you what filter to use for your make and model car – and then replace and tighten the plug. Fill the crankcase with five quarts of oil and then start the car and check for leaks. You’re done!

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