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I do not think that anybody should have a duty to do anything except obey the law. The wonderful thing about being human in a "western" democratic society is that we have what we value most, our freedom. We are free to choose to be generous or not.

If everyone who could be generous was generous, then the virtue of generosity would fade away. Being generous would be the normal thing to do. Everyone would be doing it and so it wouldn't be noticed. If we are generous, even the most unselfish among us would prefer to make it a surprise. It would be nice for the recipient of the generosity to be surprised and hence feel happy and excited, and probably cry out, "Oh you shouldn't've".

That's the nice way for things to be.

If we were expected to be generous, if it were our "duty", then the giving and helping would be routine for the rich and no fun for them at all.

Those who choose to be generous deserve praise and admiration. If it were their "duty", then who would care.

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Q: Do you think That wealthy people have a duty to become philanthropists?
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