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Q: Do you think bullies should always be excluded from school?
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School rules for bullies?

bullies should be suspended from the schools and strict rules should be there for bullies!

Should bullies in school be arrested?


Should bullies be able to play sports?

Yes, bullies should be able to play sports. Just because they are bullies doesn't mean that they should be excluded from extracurricular activities such as sports. Plus, who's to distinguish a regular person from a bully? Definitely not the coaches of the team.

How should bullies be dealt with?

In my opinion school bullies should be suspended if they are caught doing it twice and be expelled if they are caught a 3rd time.

Should bullies be allowed in after school activeites?

Except detention, no.

Why should kids stay in school?

To get a good education and make friends and learn to communicate with other people and become a good and successful person and to get the job you always wanted to get and the dream house you always wanted.

How should I face these bullies at school tomorrow?

Tell your teacher. ... and your parents, and the principal.

How many teens commit suicide due to bullying?

Suicide is a complex issue and can have multiple factors contributing to it, including bullying. In the United States, suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals aged 10-24. It's important to address bullying as a serious issue that can have harmful effects on mental health and well-being.

How can you prevent bulling from happening?

There would be no bullies if we would'nt them to bully us... We should always look tough to them enable for the bullies to avoid us too~

How do you avoid bullies at school when your a transferee?

You should kill someone so no one will mess with you

What do you want adults in your school to do when teasing or bullying occurs?

you can always tell your kids to not do it and that might decrease the population of bullies

Should bullies be kicked out of school?

If this bully is having a big negative effect on your life, they need to be kicked out of school or something.