

Effects of Chemotherapy

Updated: 9/18/2019
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10y ago

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For patients with cancer, a doctor will often prescribe chemotherapy as a means of trying to put the disease into remission. In simple terms, chemotherapy consists of a type of drug treatment that kills fast-growing cells in the body using powerful chemicals. There are several different chemotherapy drugs on the market, and sometimes they are used alone, while other times they are used in combination with other chemotherapy drugs. Though many types of cancer can be treated with chemotherapy, the side effects of chemotherapy are numerous. Some of the side effects are relatively mild and can be managed easily, while others are more severe and, in some cases, can lead to major complications.

During chemotherapy treatment, it is common for patients to experience a number of side effects. Because there are different types of chemotherapy medication, the effects may vary slightly, but the most commonly experienced problems include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, hair loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, fever, pain, mouth sores, constipation, and easy bruising. Thankfully, such effects of chemotherapy are generally mild and can be managed with additional medication. Most of these side effects also tend to clear up once treatment ends.

Chemotherapy can also cause a number of side effects that develop following treatment and those that last beyond the treatment period. Some of these effects may not become apparent until several months or even years after the initial treatment. These side effects include heart problems, infertility, lung damage, kidney problems, nerve damage, and risk of a second cancer.

When undergoing chemotherapy, it is important to discuss all possible temporary and long lasting side effects with your doctor. Your doctor can also tell you what warning signs to look for in the future that could be indicative of a major problem caused by chemotherapy. A doctor can also help you to prepare yourself to deal with any of the possible side effects of chemotherapy. For example, clearing up any existing infections can help to reduce the probability of experiencing major side effects. Your doctor may also advice you to undergo various testing prior to beginning chemotherapy treatment to ensure that your body is strong enough to handle the medication.

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You can visit for more information on chemotherapy side effects.

Where can I find information about the effects of chemotherapy?

You can find information on the side effects of chemotherapy by visiting Talk to your doctor if you are concerned.

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The effects of chemotherapy can be very dangerous. Some of the side effects include infection, dehydration, blood in the urine, and blood clots, and a condition called Thrombocytopenia.

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Chemotherapy given by intramuscular injection is absorbed into the blood more slowly than IV chemotherapy. Because of this, the effects of IM chemotherapy may last longer than chemotherapy given intravenously.

CAN chemo cause bleeding in the eye?

There are several possible effects of chemotherapy on eyes, since chemotherapy is a lump term that describes treatment through use of drugs. These effects would depend on what type of chemotherapy. You should consult your doctor about the specific side-effects of your specific type of chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy side effects on children?

Chemotherapy has different effect on different individuals< To learn more about this go to the related link(Kids health Chemotherapy) below.

What are some effects of chemotherapy on a developing fetus?

the child could be possibly be born with birth deficts

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Both chemotherapy and radiation therapy have unfortunate side effects. Chemotherapy can result in nausea

What exactly are the worst effects of chemotherapy?

Unfortunately the side effects of chemotherapy can be fairly troublesome. One such side effect is depression of the immune system leaving the patient more vulnerable to infections and sickness. Chemotherapy can also be physically tiring or even exhausting. Some consider this worse than others but chemotherapy can also lead to hair loss.

Why does Breast Cancer treatment always include Chemotherapy?

Systemic Treatment:- Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment that targets cancer cells throughout the body. It helps eliminate any undetected cancer cells, reducing the risk of recurrence. Adjuvant Therapy:- Chemotherapy is often used as an adjuvant therapy to prevent cancer from returning after surgery. Specific Situations:- In certain cases, chemotherapy may shrink tumors before surgery or treat aggressive cancers. For effective Chemotherapy in Hyderabad, patients should consult specialized oncology centers for personalized treatment plans.

What are the long-term side effects of chemothrapy?

The long-term side effects of chemotherapy are determined by factors such as the body part or parts affected by cancer, the type of chemotherapy given, and the overall health of the patient before chemotherapy. Some long-term effects may include heart problems, decreased lung capacity, fatigue, hormone problems, and joint problems. Cancer can be beaten and the benefit of chemotherapy is far greater than the risks.

What are the side effects of chemotherapy?

There are alot of side effects beginning with nausea being the most common. In some cases, there is hair loss and severe lethargy among many other effects depending on the type and amount of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy has a wide range of side effects. Most notable are the hair loss and extreme nausea associate with chemo treatments. Some patients also report severe migraine headaches.