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While eggs are great sources of protein, they also contain a significant amount of fat and cholesterol. For people trying to lose weight, it can be better to skip the yolks and only consume the white. Egg white nutrition is great for the body, and contains only 17 calories in an average sized egg yolk. Plus, the protein can be very filling. For a great morning meal, make an egg white omelette with as many as 4-5 egg whites, and add in some tasty fresh vegetables like peppers and broccoli. For a spicy kick, try serving it with salsa for a southwestern feel!

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Q: Egg White Nutrition Facts
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Where can I find advice on eggs nutrition facts?

If you are looking for healthy eating, eggs are great. Nutrition facts about eggs are: They are considered "the perfect food." They are a fantastic source of protein. The white of an egg has no fat.

What are the nutrition facts about a scrambled egg?


Where can I find out more about eggs nutrition? , this website shows many facts about egg nutrition. If you are still not satisfied, you can go to your library and research about it.

Where can I find an explanation of egg protein?

One can find an explanation about egg protein from the following sites; Exploratorium Science of eggs, Nutrition from "About" site, and Egg nutrition facts from Daily Burn Tracker.

What does a chick eat while in the egg?

Nothing, it gets its nutrition from the white and the yolk already in the egg.

What is the purpose off the egg white in a chicken egg?

The primary natural purpose of egg white is to protect the yolk and provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo (when fertilized).

How does egg help animal grow?

A chick develops from the egg,the egg cell or true egg is seen as a small white spot or germinal disc on the yolk. If the egg is fertile and incubated at the right temperature and humidity, cell division will continue. The egg white (albumen) protects the developing embryo and offers some nutrition, however, the yolk is the primary nutrition source.

Where can I find out more about egg nutrition facts?

Eggs have many health and dietary benefits. You may find answers from a health physician, dietician, or nutritional doctor. While there are various websites that offer information on the benefits of eggs, the best way to learn if eggs are necessary for your diet is to talk to a doctor.

What does the egg white of a chicken egg help the embryos?

The egg white, or albumen, is 90% water and 10% dissolved protein. It's function for the developing chick is to provide nutrition in addition to the yolk.

What is the function of eggyolk and eggwhite?

The egg yolk is the part of the egg which feeds the developing embryo. The egg white protects the egg yolk and and provides additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo.

Where can I found out about egg white nutrition?

I egg white has 17 calories, 0.1 grams of fat, and 5 grams of protein. For more information you can go to /

What is the white part in the inside of an egg?

Egg white is the common name for the clear liquid (also called albumin/albumen or glair(e)) contained within an egg. It is the cytoplasm of the egg, which until fertilization is a single cell. It consists mainly of about 10% proteins dissolved in water. Its primary purpose is to protect the egg yolk and also to provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo, as it is rich in proteins and is of high nutritional value. Unlike the egg yolk, it contains little fat.