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While there is no formal requirement in the United States for those who work as medical assistants to be certified at this time, obtaining your medical assisting certification can improve your career prospects. Many doctors' offices, healthcare clinics and hospitals set their own minimum education and experience requirements for hiring, and more and more often those requirements now include certification for medical assisting staff.

Medical Assisting Programs

Accredited community and junior colleges online and across the nation offer career diploma and associate degree programs which prepare students to work in medical assisting jobs. Such programs also prepare students for taking the Registered Medical Assistant (RMA) exam, the most widely recognized credential in the field.

To find the right program for you, check out the directories of accredited medical assisting programs on the Allied Health website at and the Accredited Bureau of Health Education Schools website at . Directories on both sites include local colleges and universities, as well as distance learning or online medical assisting programs.

Registered Medical Assistant Exam

After completing a career diploma in medical assisting online, you must take and pass the RMA exam before you'll be certified as a medical assistant. The RMA is administered by the American Medical Technologists (AMT) association. To learn more about the certification process and the exam itself, visit the AMT website at

Medical Assistant Certification without a Diploma

Those individuals who have worked in the field of medical assisting for a number of years, as well as those who have undergone vocational or military training for medical assisting may also qualify for taking the RMA certification exam, even if they don't hold a diploma or degree from an accredited school. To learn more about certification in medical assisting online, review the qualifications on the AMT's website at

Maintaining Your Medical Assisting Certification

After successfully completing the RMA certification exam and receiving your documentation from the AMT, you will formally be certified in the field of medical assisting. In order to maintain that certification, you must pay an annual professional registration fee to the AMT, and complete a specific number of continuing education credits every three years.

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What is a medical assistant certification?

The CMA (AAMA) is considered the gold standard of medical assisting professionalism. The credential represents a medical assistant who has been certified.

Are the online programs for medical assisting training nationally recognized?

Medical Assisting certificates are usually only recognized by state. Even if you take an online course you need a state certificate.

How can an individual get a degree in Medical Assisting online?

Medical Assisting degrees can be found online through many colleges that specialize in online certification. Kaplan University, the University of Phoenix, and Westwood College are some of the more popular options.

Why would an employer prefer a new employee that is certified in medical assisting rather than a candidate that is not certified in medical assisting?

Many workplaces are required to have someone who knows first aid. Besides that, having someone who does is good for covering the employer in case something happens and there is no first aid available.

Where can I go online to learn more about which schools provide medical assisting training?

Here's a place where you can find schools to get into medical assisting:

Why does certified medical assistant exist?

Certified medical assistants are greatly needed for assisting nurses and doctors. They help facilitate patients, supplies for patients and small tasks requested by their superiors. Without them, the nurses and doctors would be more distracted from focusing on their work.

Where can one find a certified medical transcriptionist?

The best place to find a certified medical transcriptionist is online on such websites as Monster and LinkedIn. Another website that is dedicated to medical transcriptionists is MTJobs.

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What is your strongest skill as it pertains to medical assisting?*

What is the certification of medical assistant training?

When you need to find out about certified medical assistant training the best place to look would be an online medical university. They will list the certified medical assistant training programs with full details of their requirements.

Do You Need to Be Certified For Elder Care Jobs?

It depends on the level of care that you wish to provide. If you want to attend to the medical needs of the elderly, you will need training in basic life saving and general medical assisting techniques.

What is required in order to obtain a certified medical assistant license?

The CMA (AAMA) is considered the gold standard of medical assisting professionalism. The credential represents a medical assistant who has been certified by the Certifying Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). The CMA (AAMA) means a professional edge, increased prestige among colleagues, and greater job security.

How can I find information about certified medical assistant classes in my area?

The CMA (AAMA) is considered the gold standard of medical assisting professionalism. The credential represents a medical assistant who has been certified by the Certifying Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA). The CMA (AAMA) means a professional edge, increased prestige among colleagues, and greater job security.