

Grass Fed Beef: The Steakiest Steak?

Updated: 9/18/2019
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10y ago

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Although American beef traditionally comes from animals fed and finished on corn, beef which comes from cows fed their natural diet, grass, is becoming more and more available. Although the health benefits of grass fed beef are relatively well known, it also offers significant gustatory benefits.

Cows have an extremely complicated digestive tract which consists of four stomachs and is very capable of breaking down cellulose (grass, or the strands in celery) into compounds that can then be made into protein. When a cow eats an unnatural corn diet, its energy density creates a great deal of fat in addition to forming protein. This is what creates the marbled appearance and mellow flavor of traditional American corn-fed beef.

Grass-fed beef is much leaner than corn-fed, since the cow gets less energy from the grass. The health benefits of this are a better ratio of protein to fat and a better fat profile, with grass-fed beef being higher in the same desirable Omega-3 fatty acids that are present in salmon.

Grass-fed beef also tastes better. To understand the difference, consider the taste of a filet mignon which is tender, but a bit bland, and of a top sirloin, which is less tender but loaded with an intense beefy flavor. That difference in taste is approximately the same as the difference between a corn-fed and grass-fed cut of meat. For those who truly enjoy the taste of beef, grass-fed meat has it in spades, and this benefit alone is a strong reason to seek it out.

There are a few tradeoffs involved in eating grass-fed beef. The first is that it is typically more expensive than traditional corn-fed beef. The second is that it is sometimes a little tougher than corn-fed beef, since it has more protein and relatively less (tender) fat. Finally, because of the low fat content, it should not be cooked beyond medium, so it is not well suited to those who prefer their steaks well done. It is, however, delicious in stews and braises.

Grass-fed beef is becoming more and more available. For those who are looking for either its flavor or health benefits, it is a compelling choice.

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Q: Grass Fed Beef: The Steakiest Steak?
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Grass-fed beef is simply beef that comes from cattle that were finished on high-quality grass, not grain. In other words, they were on pasture instead of a feedlot, and once they reached a desirable body condition and weight, they were gathered, trailered and sent to a slaughter plant that processes natural or grass-fed beef.

What are the benefits of eating grass fed beef?

The benefits of eating grass fed beef is more than just taste. There is also a health factor to it. Typically, grass fed cattle are not fed growth hormones, or antibiotics, making them much healthier for human consumption.

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It can be, typically grass fed angus beef is leaner than the grain fed variety.

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Is it healthier to consume grass fed beef versus non grass fed beef?

Yes, grass-fed beef is healthier to consume. This is because it is much more balanced in omega fats (more Omega-3's than Omega-6's) and is lower in HDL and saturated fatty acids, which are "bad fats." Grass-fed beef is also much higher in CLA's than grain-fed. It also tends to taste better than grain-fed (like, it's not like eating cardboard, but real beef) and does not contain traces of antibiotics and hormones because cattle finished on grass are healthier: they don't need hormones and antibiotics to "help" them reach finish quality.

Witch is better Grass-fed vs Grain fed Beef?

WHICH is better: Grass-fed or Grain-fed Beef? Answer: it all depends on your taste buds and your health choices. Grass-fed beef is healthier than grain-fed because of higher vitamin and other nutrients in the meat, which is transferred from the nutrition quality of the grasses they ate. Grass-fed is slightly higher in omega-3's than grain-fed, or in other words, has a better balance of omega-3's and omega-6's than grain fed beef. Grass-fed is also leaner, less "juicier" and has a stronger beefy taste to it than grain-fed, which makes for cooking, baking or barbequing it different than the conventional grain-fed beef. All grass-fed beef comes from organic or natural producers, which means that there are no antibiotic residues nor excessive hormones in the meat, since cattle finished on grass are much healthier and do not need to have antibiotics put into their food to keep them "healthy" until they are ready to be slaughtered. The colour of the fat in grass-fed beef is different too, because of the caretonoids (sp??) in the leaves of the grasses make the fat a yellower colour. Caretonoids are found in all fruit and vegetables; it's just a chemical complex that makes the plants, fruits and vegetables the variety of colours they are. Yellow fat is healthier fat than white fat, because of the lower saturated fatty acids and higher unsaturated fats in that yellow fat, which is a common misconception by those who think that white fat "looks better" in their beef than yellow fat. Grain-fed beef is nearly the opposite of grass-fed, in all parts of the word. Grain fed is more popular, found in all conventional stores and fast food diners, and is more tender and juicier than wild meat or grass-fed beef. Some people prefer grain-fed beef because it is not as tough or wild-tasting as grass fed is; others prefer grass-fed because of the taste and the health benefits.

Is grass fed beef leaner than grain fed beef?

Yes. Because grass-fed cattle have been finished on grass, which has a lower energy or lipid content than grain, typically they would have less fat than those finished on grain, and thus a more desirable or lower fat:muscle ratio.

Where can you buy grass fed beef?

K lazy J Farm. Paulden AZ

Is deer meat high in cholesterol?

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