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Foods that have fiber can provide so many health benefits to the human body that it’s a wonder anyone would eat anything else. The obvious benefit is that fibrous foods can keep the digestive system moving. They help the colon push through other foods. They bind with toxins to cleanse the digestive tract even more intensely, preventing or improving cases of constipation or irregularity. That simple cleansing effect can influence many other systems in the body as well.

For example, high cholesterol can be brought under control by eating whole grains, vegetables and fruit. This in turn helps prevent cardiovascular disease. Some studies have shown that high fiber foods can reduce the risk of obesity by binding with fats in other foods and carrying them out of the body. They help regulate blood sugar as well, thereby reducing the risk of Diabetes. Some grains, fruits and vegetables are even suspected of lowering the risk of some cancers.

To gain the greatest benefit from these wonder foods, adults should try to consume thirty to forty grams of fiber a day. Children need somewhat less, depending on their size and age. The American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that children consume an amount of fiber equal to their age plus five grams. So a four year old child should eat nine grams of fiber per day (age of 4 plus 5 grams). Of course a physician should be consulted for specifics, particularly where children are concerned.

Lists of the right foods to eat can be found at various sites on the internet and countless books have been written on the benefits of fiber. Briefly, beneficial fruits include raspberries, apples (with the skin), and avocados. Vegetables with the highest fiber counts include kale, potatoes (with the skin), carrots and winter squash. Most beans are wonderful sources, too, but black or kidney beans are particularly beneficial. And whole grain cereals and breads can add to a person’s daily count in delicious ways.

Overall, foods that have fiber are healthful and delicious, and they fit a variety of diets plans. Anyone interested in personal health should add them to their menu.

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Q: Health Benefits of Foods That Have Fiber?
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