

how do you save a C program?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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One does not normally save programs. Programs are usually binary files containing a list of executable instructions and internal data. The C++ programs are a suite of executables that allow the creation and management of source code files to create new executables. We do not need to save these programs -- they were stored on disk when the suite was first installed.

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It depends on the particular editor and IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that you use. Most Windows based IDE's, such as Visual Studio, will save the file that has the focus by pressing <Ctrl>s. You can also close the file with <Ctrl><F4> and, if the IDE is properly configured, it will prompt you to save the file. Similarly, you can close the IDE with <Alt><F4>, and it should prompt you to save all open and modified files.

You can also compile the project or file with <F7>, execute it with <Ctrl><F5>, debug it with <F5>, or step into it with <F11>. Again, depending on your configuration, the IDE should offer to save before compiling, and compile before executing or debugging. Check your particular IDE for the specific shortcut keys, because they do vary, even amongst different versions of Visual Studio.

If you are using a Unix based system, will will need to consult your Unix documentation and/or the IDE you are using. If you are using vi, you can use :w, but very few people use vi these days.

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