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Poland was taken over in one week by both the Nazis (who attack first) and then the Russians.

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Q: How long was Poland taken over in world world two?
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Why people were agenst World War 2?

Germany, Japan, Poland and everyone else that got taken over by Germany and Japan like Poland

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Poland,Holland,France,Austria ,Italy

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Poland,Belgiun,and France

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No. Germany invaded Poland having already taken over Austria

When German troops crossed the border into were World War 2 began?

Poland, they stepped over the borders of Poland, triggering a war as Germany has already taken most of Europe at the time and this resulted in thousands of deaths.

What country did Hitler take over after he took over Czechoslovakla?

Poland, Norway and Finland were taken after Czechoslovakia was taken by the Nazis in 1938. Poland was the first nation the Nazi Wehrmacht invaded on 9-1-1939.

How was Poland taken over?

Surprise air and tank blitzkriegInvasion of Poland was done by Germany who had a numerical advantage and experienced troops.

Why was great Britain willing to go to war over Poland but not over Czechoslovakia?

Because the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia was legally given to germany. Whereas Poland was taken by force.

What are three countries taken over by communism in the Cold War?

Poland, Hungary, & Czechoslovakia.

What was happening before Pearl Harbor turning point occurred?

Within the world's geopolitical framework Manchuria had been taken over by the Japanese, Germany had taken control of the Sudentanland, Austria and Hungary and had invaded Poland.