

How to Approach Puppy Training?

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13y ago

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Puppy training is a necessary part of owning a dog if you want to be able to invite the dog into your house or spend time with the dog outside. It is important to begin puppy training the day that you bring your new puppy home.

Consistency is the Key

Puppy training can be difficult sometimes because it has to be done consistently. Even when the puppy is extremely cute and you know the puppy did not mean to do something wrong, you have to be firm and establish what the puppy is allowed to do and not allowed to do. If you change your rules with no apparent reason, the puppy will become confused and just do whatever he or she wants to do. Training requires clear behavior expectations and rewards for meeting those expectations. A reward can be as simple as a kind word or a good snuggle.

Do Your Research

Before you bring a new puppy into your home, do some research into puppy training. Learn a few tips to help you train your puppy as soon as he or she enters the house. Puppies are notorious for chewing, biting, barking, and using the bathroom where they should not. If you have already thought about what you will do when the puppy does one of these unacceptable behaviors, you will not be taken by surprise when it happens. Just having a loose plan will help you be more consistent in setting the boundaries for your new puppy.

Establish That You are Always in Control

It is extremely important that the puppy understands from the day you meet that you are the boss. You need to always have an air of control when the puppy is around. Do not let the puppy make decisions about where you go or what you do when he or she is on the leash, for example. If you remember that you are in control of every situation, the puppy will naturally look to you for how to behave in any given situation. Once your dominance is well established, it will be much easier to commence with some of the more complicated puppy training.

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How to Conduct a Search for a Puppy Training Professional?

A puppy training professional can help an owner work with a canine to teach it the basics of obedience. Not only can a puppy training professional teach a canine how to sit, stay, and come, he or she can also give an owner valuable advice regarding dog ownership. In order to end up with an obedient canine, puppy training must be done in a thorough way. Consequently, for a new puppy owner, finding the right puppy training professional is an important task.First, an owner can search for the name of a puppy training professional at his or her local veterinarian’s office. A vet will often know the names of professionals who can help with puppy training. Sometimes a puppy training professional will even post a flier with his or her basic information on a bulletin board in the waiting room of a veterinarian’s office. A puppy training professional who’s recommended by a veterinarian is likely to be in great demand.The second way to find a puppy training professional is to check with a local animal shelter. Animal shelter workers deal with dogs and puppies on a daily basis and would likely know of a puppy training professional. Furthermore, someone with a love for dogs who volunteers at the shelter may know a successful puppy training professional. In other words, in order to find a person who makes a living training puppies, it’s helpful to consult people who work in the field of animal care.Another avenue to finding a puppy training professional is to call a successful dog breeder. Chances are the person has had contact with a puppy training professional at one time or another. The breeder has probably encountered customers over the years who have inquired about a puppy training professional. The breeder may be able to refer a person to a puppy training professional with a wonderful reputation. In short, a canine breeder often has access to many dog-related resources.Patience, persistence, and knowledge of dogs are three qualities found in an effective puppy training professional. It’s worth an owner’s time and effort to seek out the most capable puppy training professional for the job.

How popular is litterbox training a puppy?

it's not the best way...try newspaper training it.