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In today’s world, it is important that an animal control officer is more than just a “dog catcher.” An animal control officer is considered to be important regarding law enforcement. Many communities have officers rescue an animal, run a shelter and enforce the laws with regards to local and state regulations of animals.

  1. Determine in which state you wish to become an officer for animal control. As one may figure, each state varies in their requirements for certification. Contact your local health department or local police department to see what the qualifications are for your state.
  2. Do not simply just take the training as mandated by the state. Take as many courses as you possibly can, getting as many certifications as you can. You can get CPR and Animal First Aid certification from the American Red Cross. You will want to take this in addition to the version for humans, adding to your appeal.
  3. Be a scout. Being prepared to respond to a disaster is a very hot topic these days, and, as such, many different courses available by way of the different animal advocacy organizations. Not only that, but you can also get through the federal, local or state government. You can take a free online course in two parts through FEMA, and you will receive a certificate after completing the course. There are many different animal working groups in each state that may offer teachings on their disaster response plans. There may also be an animal response team in your state.
  4. Know the equipment involved. Ask an animal control officer what kind of equipment is involved and the safest way to use it is. Ask if you can ride along with them and see how they work.
  5. Get to know a veterinarian and establish a good relationship. If possible, intern with them. This will allow you to better understand how animal anatomy works, as well as the best way to handle animals.
  6. Become certified to be a humane agent, investigator or cruelty officer. Even if you cannot practice this in your job, it is still a skill worth to learn.
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